The NPACE August Virtual Conference brings you everything you need to know about labs during "Lab Fest"! Earn 12+ CE/CME credit August 20-21st learning from expert speakers on topics including Pregnancy Tests, Endocrinology labs, Anemias, Vitamin deficiencies, electrolytes and more. Feel more confident in dealing with your lab orders, interpretations and understanding after this special virtual event. Have access to all content 90 days post conference to make sure you earn your CE/CME certificates on your timeline. Don't miss this great opportunity to earn CE/CME on crucial topics all from the comfort of home this August. Register today! #NP #nursepractitioner #APRN #continuingnursingeducation #continuingmedicaleducation #npconferences #nursepractitionerconferences #inpersonconferences #npeducation #2025CE #2025npconference #CEcredit #npacevc #npaceaugustvc #npacevirtualconference #labfest #labCE