Is it wishful thinking that all children can eat well and be active?? ? We don’t think so, and today we’re marking five years of collaboration with UNICEF on creating healthier environments for children worldwide ??? ? Find out more here: ? #WorldChildrensDay #UNICEF #NovoNordisk #Prevention #HealthEquity?
Thank you for your ongoing trust in UNICEF ??
Not wishful at all ?? if anything, this is the mindset that should be established in communities worldwide. It's very heartwarming and inspiring to see Novo Nordisk's commitment in carrying these promising actions over time through a continued support of UNICEF. Keep blossoming, NN ?? Happy #WorldChildrensDay ??
As a kid grew up with obesity, not only it has damaged my health, but also significantly lowered my self-esteem. It is refreshing to see entities helping children for a better and healthier future.
It’s wonderful to see Novo Nordisk’s continued commitment to creating healthier environments for children. Five years of collaboration with UNICEF is a powerful step toward ensuring all children have access to the resources they need to thrive. Healthy, active children are the future, and it’s inspiring to see the positive impact you’re making globally.
Keep growing Novo Nordisk. You always bring something beneficial for the Mankind.
Not at all, but only if the laws are supported by the law makers. Many times laws are put in place but unsupported, so it's wishful unfulfilled laws.
Not wishful thinking at all—it’s a vision worth striving for! Every child deserves the opportunity to grow up in an environment that supports their health and well-being. Congratulations on five years of impactful collaboration with UNICEF! Together, initiatives like this can truly create a lasting difference for future generations. ??
Sincere thanks to Novo Nordisk for your partnership and leadership in making a healthier world for children. Happy World Children's Day 2024
Message du Pape pour la première Journée mondiale des enfants Ainsi, vous tous, les enfants, qui êtes la joie de vos parents et de vos familles, vous êtes aussi la joie de l’humanité et de l’église dans lesquelles chacun est comme un maillon d’une très longue cha?ne qui s’étend du passé à l’avenir et qui couvre toute la terre. C’est pourquoi je vous recommande de toujours écouter attentivement les histoires des grands : de vos mamans, de vos papas, de vos grands-parents et de vos arrière-grands-parents ! Et en même temps de ne pas oublier ceux d’entre vous, encore si jeunes, qui luttent déjà contre la maladie et les difficultés, à l’h?pital ou à la maison. Bref, tous ces enfants dont l’enfance est aujourd’hui encore cruellement volée. Ecoutez-les, écoutons-les vraiment, car dans leur souffrance, ils nous parlent de la réalité, les yeux purifiés par les larmes et avec ce tenace désir de bien qui na?t dans le c?ur de ceux qui ont vraiment vu combien le mal est horrible.