TSRA Now Forming
Local Chapters
Greetings All,
My name is Austin Skero and I am a TSRA member in Mason, Texas. I have a BIG announcement! The Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA) is now forming local chapters. This is a pilot program that was recently approved by the TSRA Executive Committee. Three pilot chapters were authorized by the Executive Committee as proof of concept to allow members to network locally, and to further build our organization from within our own local communities.
As you know, the TSRA was formed in 1919. In over 100 years, local chapters were not an option. This pilot program changes that. So far, two of the three chapters have been created. One in the TSRA Northeast Region (Paris Chapter) and one in the TSRA East Region (Tyler Chapter). I am helping to organize a third chapter that will be in our TSRA region. This newest local chapter will be called the "Hill Country Chapter", and it will cover Mason, Menard, McCulloch, and Kimble counties. I was born in Menard, raised in Junction, had family in Brady, and ultimately married a Mason girl. I call this entire 4-county area home and I'm excited about this initiative. I hope you will be too and that you will join me in standing up this new local TSRA chapter.
Become a CHARTER MEMBER of the Hill Country Chapter of the TSRA!
If you need more information, email me at mailto:[email protected]. Use the words TSRA Local Chapter in the subject line of your message so I can easily find it and respond.
If you want to re-join TSRA:
You are receiving this email because you are either a current TSRA member, or a former member. If your membership has lapsed, you may have missed some of the legislative accomplishments TSRA has made in support of the Second Amendment. You can find a list of those accomplishments by visiting our PAC website.
To join online: Use the QR code on the push card to go to the TSRA site (or go to https://tsra.com/join), select Austin Skero in the referred by field, and join TSRA. The cost is only $40.00 for an Annual Membership.
Claim Your Plank: Email me at mailto:[email protected] so I can make sure you are recognized as a charter member.
If you are already a TSRA member, you can still be a charter member by signing up to join the Hill Country Chapter at no additional charge. Just let me know by sending me an email with your name, county of residence, and TSRA membership number.
Thank you,
Austin Skero
TSRA Member – Mason County
#TSRA #LocalChapters
Previous Receptionist at Kalamazoo Country Club
1 个月Aw, Pam, I so remember those days with you, Bernie!!