Nomi Co-Founder Supei Liu is also the VP of Innovation and Expansion. Her role is pivotal in working with organizations and businesses to learn about new markets and entrepreneurship models in India and Cambodia. The goal is to take this knowledge to serve the needs of survivors and vulnerable women with new opportunities in the communities we serve. Supei started our very first program in Nomi Network Cambodia and continues this work today. This week, she is visiting the WELPS Training Center in India. The center offers entrepreneurship training for income-generating activities powered by solar energy. The Center is a public/private partnership between, JEEVIKA, Rural Development Department, Government of Bihar and SELCO solar energy company. Nomi Network has provided the Life Skills curriculum and a small pool of start-up funding for eligible women. Supei got to visit a chip-making business from this program. It is going to be a family affair. The wife who attends the training will be making the chips, and the husband will do the sales and marketing.?
Thank you for all you do, Supei Liu
Sr. Executive Energy Solution at SELCO India
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