Paljon kirjoitetaan asiakaspalautteesta ja sen merkityksest? ja siit?, miksi positiivisen palautteen antaminen on vaikeaa. Jotenkin en tuota ymm?rr? kun itselle sen antaminen on aina ollut helppoa - ehk? siit? pit?isi kiitt?? karjalaisia/hiitolaisia sukujuuriani. Muistelin taannoin pitk?? "turneetani" Kiinassa ja erityisesti Changzhoun kaupungissa ja siell? erityisesti hotelli Marriottia - uskomaton paikka, joka j?tti ikuisen j?ljen. Tuon samaisen tarinan, jonka t?ss? julkaisen, l?hetin Marriotin asiakaspalvelun globaalille pomolle ja h?n jakoi sen hotellin henkil?kunnalle - samoin itse laitoin sen noille nimetyille henkil?ille. Palaute oli ilahtunutta. Mutta, hyv?t yst?v?t, tarina mieliinpainuvasta hotellikokemuksesta, olkaa hyv?t:
Spirit of the Hotel, Marriott Changzhou (China)
Imagine a hotel with rooms starting from the 36th floor and ending on the 47th floor. Imagine a majestic cloud-snapping tower rising from the top floor - you're just imagining the Marriott Changzhou Hotel building. In addition to the fact that the hotel is physically incredible, the atmosphere of the hotel is even more incredible. I have a funny connection to that building. I was in Changzhou in 2012 and we visited the Changzhou TV station and they showed model of their great new building that was under construction - that was the very building where the Marriott hotel is now.
If a hotel had a spirit, it would be that one found in the Marriott Changzhou Hotel. Such a friendly and homely atmosphere is actually difficult to even describe. And all the people there - the hotel manager Ivy Shi, the best hotel manager I've ever met, Charlena at the restaurant, Yuki and everyone else at the front desk, Echo and Rebecca at the 46th floor lobby – they made lobby as living room, the cleaners taking care of the distracted guest's toothbrush and clothes and much, much more people who I didn’t mention in this - whole chain of people were incredible. I really hope that the top management of Marriott understand the value of these kind of people and the work which they’re doing.
When I remember that, I really miss Changzhou again. I know that part of "my people" have left, but hopefully the spirit still lives on. Hopefully I’m able to travel to Changzhou again this year, last visit was 2020, just before Covid.
Markku Paukkunen
Senior China Advisor
President & CEO
11 个月????????????