Folks driving along Route 1 in New Jersey will enjoy a new view from now on at this Rutgers University–New Brunswick site: cows grazing alongside solar panels! It’s part of a $7.4M+ state-of-the-art agrivoltaics program?funded through state and federal agencies that is taking the study of the synergies between agricultural production and solar power generation into the field!! Watch this awesome agrivoltaics ribbon cutting via NJ Spotlight News featuring Rutgers University Project Lead David Specca, New Jersey Department of Agriculture Secretary Edward Wengryn, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office Director Dr. Becca Jones-Albertus, and Farm Manager Clint Burgher: #solar #energy #farm #solarfarm #solargrazing #agriculture #cattle #agrivoltaics #cattlevoltaics #newjersey
If you're interested in getting cattlevoltaics going in the field, be sure to check out SETO's Large Animal and Solar System Operations (LASSO) Prize, which will support cattle agrivoltaics projects that explore benefits to ag producers, landowners, and rural communities, and advance solar development with $8.2M in funding: