WISeKey SA announced its strategy for the Spanish market by signing of an agreement with ODIN Solutions (“ OdinS”) and TProtege, leading companies in Internet of Things (IoT) and security, to create a joint venture, QUANTIX EDGE SECURITY (“Quantix EdgeS”), in the Region of Murcia.
Quantix EdgeS is a collaborative effort, with joint venture partners, OdinS and TProtege holding a 50% stake, and the remaining 50% being held between WISeKey and SEALSQ. The joint venture is currently in an advanced stage of negotiations with the Spanish Government to obtain funding from under Spain’s Strategic Project for the Economic Recovery and Transformation of Microelectronics and Semiconductors (PERTE Chip). This powerful consortium aims to foster the development of a globally recognized semiconductor center known for its advancements in cybersecurity.
The Quantix EdgeS joint venture between WISeKey, SEALSQ, OdinS, and TProtege will be at the forefront of enhancing Spain’s cybersecurity and semiconductor capabilities. Quantix EdgeS, the result of this collaboration, aligns with the Spanish strategy, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity, semiconductors, and digital transformation in building a diversified and sustainable economy, where Artificial Intelligence and secure network systems will be central elements. The proposal to turn Spain into a global center for cybersecurity and semiconductor technology manufacturing, especially through the enhancement of cybersecurity, semiconductor, and space industries, marks a significant shift in the country’s economic diversification efforts and places the Region of Murcia at the most advanced technological level.
Quantix EdgeS is fully aligned with the EU strategy to revive its semiconductor ecosystem, initiated in February 2022 with the ‘Chip Act’. Member states have launched national initiatives that will allow Europe to mobilize €43 billion in the coming years. One of the most ambitious is Spain’s PERTE Chip, driven by the Spanish Government through the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures.
The PERTE Chip aims to strengthen the design and production capabilities of the national microelectronics and semiconductor industry. It is expected to mobilize public investment of €12.25 billion until 2027 to turn Spain into a global chip hub, its comprehensive approach will strengthen and develop the links of a complex value chain in Spain.
Quantix EdgeS also represents a commitment to creating a hub of technological innovation in cybersecurity and IoT devices, smart devices, and their application in new scenarios of 5G/6G networks, the development of RISC-V based solutions, the development of certification systems for the security of smart devices, as well as the attraction of high-value-added talent.
?????????????? ??????????, la joint venture que promete revolucionar el sector de los semiconductores en Espa?a ??????
Alineada con la estrategia espa?ola y europea para impulsar la transformación digital y la seguridad cibernética, Quantix EdgeS busca ser un referente global en #ciberseguridad y #semiconductores ?????
???? A corto plazo, el objetivo es desarrollar un Centro de Dise?o y Personalización de #Chips de Altas Prestaciones en Ciberseguridad en Murcia a través de Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) con WISeKey SA, SEALSQ y TProtege.
Gracias al #PERTEChip, se busca aprovechar las oportunidades para reducir la dependencia global en la fabricación de semiconductores y fortalecer así nuestras capacidades en la implementación de microchips.
???????? Se espera la creación de más de 130 puestos de trabajo de especialización y valor a?adido en la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia en una primera fase, donde se trabajará en un plan para incorporar profesionales a nivel regional, nacional e internacional.
El gran anuncio del nombre de la empresa se produjo durante la celebración del décimo aniversario de Odin Solutions ?? de la mano del catedrático y socio fundador #Antonio #Skarmeta, presentación que vino seguida de la intervención de la Secretaria de estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales María González Veracruz
SETELECO. Secretaría de Estado de Telecomunicaciones e Infraestructuras Digitales Gobierno de Espa?a #QuantixEdgeS #Ciberseguridad #Semiconductores #TransformaciónDigital #InnovaciónTecnológica #Murcia #PERTEChip #RISC-V #TalentoGlobal #Tecnología