Check out the latest op-ed from our President, Christopher J. Tyson, in Nonprofit Quarterly. Chris writes: "Nonprofit expertise and leadership have long been key to affordable housing provision. The nonprofit ecosystem includes providing counseling services for aspiring homebuyers, acquiring distressed properties, building new homes, and rehabilitating distressed properties. Nonprofits raise capital, design and implement creative and flexible financing, and help people struggling with mortgage payments stay in their homes.....This is the nonprofit housing delivery system: the sum of the efforts of mission-driven organizations to create opportunities for those otherwise locked out of the home purchase market....To preserve housing affordability, it is not enough to address the rise of private equity; it is vital to bolster the strength and reach of the nonprofit delivery system itself."
NCST (National Community Stabilization Trust)的动态
Involvement from the nonprofit sector in developing affordable housing is critical. This article takes a look at how nonprofits can "recharge" their housing delivery system.
How to Recharge a Nonprofit-Led Affordable Housing Delivery System - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
This case study is a great look at how an orbit can be revitalized to serve its intended purpose through the use of strategic leadership and effective management. A housing market that looks at properties as being investments rather than an essential resource creates a situation where investors are often unwilling to sell homes at market price, and instead wait for prices to appreciate. This in turn puts pressure on first-time home buyers, who, without the support of nonprofits, are locked out of the market. However, nonprofits can play a critical role not just in the financing, but in accessibility as well. #Nonprofit #Justice #Housing #FInance
How to Recharge a Nonprofit-Led Affordable Housing Delivery System - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
The Kingston-based nonprofit RUPCO will coordinate the rehabilitation of 80 vacant and uninhabitable apartments in eight Hudson Valley counties under a $5 million grant from New York state. #kingston #nonprofit #apartments #hudsonvalley #grant
RUPCO gets state grant to rehab Hudson Valley apartments
Within a large constellation of nonprofits working within affordable housing in New Jersey, there’s the one Taiisa Kelly runs in Cranford. She admits its mission, to ensure housing is inclusive and geared toward vulnerable populations, is far from unique. But, there’s no number of nonprofits that she expects would be too many in that space. Here’s why: According to a report published by the National Low Income Housing Coalition, New Jersey has more than 300,000 extremely-low-income households, but less than 100,000 affordable and available rentals. “With a number that large, we don’t have a fear of tripping over each other to close that gap,” Kelly said. “There’s a large number of nonprofits doing this, but the need is just so great. And no single entity alone is equipped to reach the number of units needed in New Jersey. “The fact is, it’s hard to get resources and the staff together to do this work, and we’ve seen, unfortunately, nonprofits stop doing it because of that. We actually need a resurgence of nonprofits doing this work because of how much there is to be done.” Kelly heads Cranford-based Monarch Housing Associates, which provides support to both for-profit and nonprofit affordable housing developers. It’s one of many hoping the stars align for affordable housing under a new system in New Jersey. Read more:
Too much? More like not enough: Many nonprofits work in affordable housing sector, but leaders say need is even greater | ROI-NJ
This week we announced two changes that make FHA a better partner to homeowners and communities. We made it simpler for qualified non-profits to become FHA approved and offer more homeownership tools to their communities. We also simplified the process by which a homeowner can prove they receive stable rental income, a change that is especially important for extended households where multiple adults contribute to the housing bill each month.
Updated Nonprofit Approval and Recertification Procedures
As we are deep into budget season, here are three key takeaways from our very deep dive into housing funding in Philadelphia in partnership with Octavia Howell and The Pew Charitable Trusts: 1. Local funding is a critical component of a responsive housing strategy.? 2. Coordination among local housing entities and with private funders is key to unlocking additional resources. 3. ?The?return-on-investment framework?Reinvestment Fund and Pew developed illustrates the power of holistically examining the benefits that result from investments in housing - rather than assessing a program on a single metric, such as cost.
How Will Philadelphia Fund Housing in a Time of Transition?
With overall U.S. commercial real estate pricing down 21% from its March 2022 peak ,nonprofits are seizing the moment to buy property, largely at discounts from what their previous owners paid to acquire them. There are a lot of nonprofit groups spread across the country. Those with money want to buy to create a legacy.New York arts and theater nonprofit The Joyce Theater purchased a 58K SF office building in Manhattan's East Village in December for $16M, roughly half of the $31.7M its former owner, The Boys’ Club of New York, paid for the facility in 2019.Visions in Education, a Sacramento, California-area nonprofit charter school, bought a 65K SF office building for its operations in September for $6.6M, paying nearly half the price the previous owner bought the facility for. Record donations flowed to the more than 1.8 million nonprofit organizations in the U.S. each year between 2020 and 2022, including nearly $500B in 2022. Nonprofit revenues have grown from $1T in 2020 to $3T last year.Many foundations are sitting on lots of cash,they don’t care about interest rates. They like that property prices are low. There are strong incentives for nonprofits to become landlords. For one, nonprofits aren't charged property taxes in most municipalities, giving them significant annual savings. As renters, they often pay taxes, with common-area maintenance fees tucked into leases. Commercial property owners who sell to nonprofits also get a boost when the property trades at below market values. That delta between the fair market value and sale price can be written off as goodwill. Nonprofits can secure different financing, more advantageous financing, than other commercial and private sector groups. #cre #commercialrealestate #Commercialrealestateadviser #commercialproperty #creinvesting #crelending #nonprofits
Nonprofits Are Seizing Their Moment To Buy Commercial Properties At A Discount
Of the nearly $2.3 billion Philadelphia spent on housing from FY21-23, 7% came from the general fund. It is the largest source of flexible funds in use among city housing entities. To learn more about how Philadelphia spends dollars on housing, view The Pew Charitable Trusts and Reinvestment Fund research.?#PHLBudget #Housing #Philadelphia?
How Will Philadelphia Fund Housing in a Time of Transition?
Nonprofit developers are key players in affordable housing, but the #LIHTC terms they receive hinder their ability to make progress in underserved communities. This article discusses the need for fairer terms to support their efforts. Discover the full story: #NonprofitDevelopers #AffordableHousing #CommunityDevelopment
Nonprofit Housing Developers Deserve Better LIHTC Terms
Nonprofit developers are key players in affordable housing, but the #LIHTC terms they receive hinder their ability to make progress in underserved communities. This article discusses the need for fairer terms to support their efforts. Discover the full story: #NonprofitDevelopers #AffordableHousing #CommunityDevelopment
Nonprofit Housing Developers Deserve Better LIHTC Terms