Spiritual PhytoEssencing features the use of two types of essential oil blends: constitutional and situational. The constitutional blend is referred to as the "custom blend," because it is customized to reflect the unique inner soul nature of one particular individual. This is Part 1 of a series of articles I'm presenting regarding the art of preparing essential oil blends for the purpose of deep soul-level healing, which is devoted to the rationale underlying the customized constitutional blend and the methodology used to create them. Read Article: https://lnkd.in/d2S4Eh24 #aromatherapy #essentialoilblending #holistichealth #spiritualhealing
Natural Health Science的动态
Developing Spiritual Immunity: The Power of Love and Divine Protection Discover how to cultivate spiritual immunity to combat negative experiences like infestation and demonic possession. Learn from a doctor's perspective on the parallel between preventive medicine and developing love as spiritual antibodies. Find out how love and Christ can protect and shield you. #SpiritualImmunity #LoveandProtection #DivineShield #NegativeExperiences #DemonicPossession #PreventiveMedicine #LoveWithoutCondition #CultivatingLove #FindingDivineProtection #ChristinBible
A Holistic Approach to Healing Vedic philosophy recognizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Herbal medicine, when practiced in a holistic manner, addresses all aspects of our being. It not only treats physical symptoms but also nourishes our emotional and spiritual well-being. By aligning ourselves with the rhythms of nature and embracing the wisdom of ancient traditions, we can unlock the full potential of herbal healing. While some may dismiss these ideas as idealistic or far-fetched, the growing body of scientific research is beginning to validate the wisdom of ancient healing systems. As we delve deeper into the mysteries of the natural world, we are discovering that the cosmos is indeed a benevolent provider, offering us a treasure trove of healing remedies.
Aragonite Crystal Meaning: Discover Its Healing and Balancing Powers https://lnkd.in/geMvt5nW Aragonite crystal, a stone known for embodying stability, truth, and perception, has many healing properties that can be explored. From promoting physical and emotional balance to reducing stress and anger, this crystal offers a range of benefits for those who seek its grounding energy. We will explore where aragonite crystal is found, its physical properties, different types, and how to use it effectively. Discover the wonders of this powerful crystal! Aragonite Crystal is a stabilising stone that embodies stability, truth, and perception. It can be found in hot spring deposits and mollusc shells. Aragonite Crystal offers physical and emotional balance, reduces stress and anger, and promotes vitality and quicker healing. #aragonite #aragonitecrystal #aragonitecrystalmeaning
Mini Fibrous Velvet Malachite Specimen (Congo), natural malachite, velvet malachite, malachite crystal Mini Fibrous Velvet Malachite Specimen (Congo), natural malachite, velvet malachite, malachite crystal Malachite When it comes to emotional healing this is where Malachite amps up its powers. One of the strongest elements that flows from Malachite is its immense powers of protection. Malachite is all about flushing out toxic emotions, clearing away unwanted energies, and ensuring that those negative vibes stay 6 feet away at all times. It gives you courage, wisdom, and the ability to spot and say no to all kinds of emotional blackmail. It’s a stone that sends a warning bell when things aren’t as they seem, which in turn grants you the inner strength and confidence you need to know that no matter what, this stone will teach you how to have your own back without the paranoia????
Please check my new article: "Healing with light: ancient wisdom to modern chromotherapy" published in Meer. https://lnkd.in/epwy2Rcn #chromotherapy #lighttherapy #colortherapy #heliotherapy #lasertherapy
Since the early Stone Age, psychoactive plants, mushrooms, lichens, and other natural substances have been esteemed for their ability to transform consciousness. These substances have historically played vital roles in energetic, medical, and spiritual practices. However, with the advent of modern White Western culture, they were redefined as 'drugs,' often viewed negatively and stripped of their spiritual significance. This redefinition led to a disconnection from spiritual teachings, fostering biases within White Western culture and scientific research. These biases introduced a dualistic way of thinking, categorising experiences as either spiritual or material, receptive or manipulative, magical or rational. This separation has hindered a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of these experiences. To progress in medical research and fully appreciate the potential of these substances, it is essential to overcome these biases. Embracing a more holistic view that acknowledges the energetic, cultural, spiritual, and historical significance of these substances can lead to more comprehensive and meaningful insights. By integrating diverse perspectives and breaking free from limiting conditioning and dichotomies, we can enhance our understanding and application of these natural substances in energetic, medical, and spiritual contexts. ?DrAndrewMacLeanPagonMDPhD2025 ( ???????? ???? ??????? ??????? Druid Rishi Druveda Saraswati) All rights reserved.
Kathara Bio Spiritual Healing System Part 1 of 8 ELECTROMAGNETRIC FIELD DISTORTION ON OUR PLANET AFFECTS OUR DNA. https://lnkd.in/eGmZQdBe https://lnkd.in/e5Wjgpb6 https://lnkd.in/eTJ_gwRp
Kathara Bio Spiritual Healing System Part 1 of 9 SPECIES OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS that CAME to HELP RESET the TEMPLATES of the DNA. https://lnkd.in/eqzXa46P https://lnkd.in/eEfKa75C https://lnkd.in/ecDCnsPB
Zippy’s Konfusion Oil https://lnkd.in/gsNH_TNA Enhance your spiritual arsenal with Zippy’s Konfusion Oil – a potent tool for maintaining clarity in your surroundings. Crafted to keep unwanted influences at bay, this specialized oil can be discreetly applied to perplex and deter. Zippy’s Konfusion Oil is your key to serenity and protection. Embrace its unique power today. #Zippy’sKonfusionOil
Crystal healing is an ancient practice that uses the natural energy of crystals and gemstones to promote well-being. https://lnkd.in/ezGyzS6b
Aging and Yin Deficiency; Tendonitis & Liver; Essential Oils that Support Liver Yin & More!
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City of Angels WildFire Relief Blend, Spiritual PhytoEssencing Blend Formulating, Use, Potentized Dilution, 5 Element Theory & More!
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Valentine's Day and the One-To-One Relationship
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