Chat about #data - ORNL's Population Density Tables, or PDT for short. PDTs track and report facility occupancy estimates at different times of day at regional, subnational, and national levels. Data collected through PDT can be used to create more accurate population maps as well as in emergency preparations. PDT in action: check out what 'waffle homes' have to do with population. #geographyawarenessweek
National Security Sciences at ORNL的动态
Have you ever wondered how we make estimations better than a summary table should allow? The AGS synthetic model creates individuals and households that, within any census block, match the block tables across a wide range of dimensions. This allows us, for example, to estimate complex interactions that can’t be easily represented in summary tables. At present, the model is for households only, but work is well underway to expand it to the individuals living within those households. Keep reading more about this revolutionary new model on the blog.
The AGS Synthetic Household Model - Applied Geographic Solutions
??RANKING: Downtown Winston-Salem ranked No. 25 in 24/7 Wall St’s Top 40 US Cities with Booming Downtowns list! Other North Carolina cities that made the list included Greensboro (No. 23), Durham (No. 11), and Charlotte (No. 2). ?? METHODOLOGY: To determine the 40 cities with booming downtowns, 24/7 Wall St. ranked cities based on the percentage change in population in their downtown census tracts from 2012 to 2022, using Census Bureau data. ??: @winstonsalemphotographer?
In my previous post, I described a naive, but somewhat effective way of translating between census population counts and population estimates inside H3 hexes. The second, more sophisticated approach I tried to use the Overture Maps Foundation buildings dataset and estimate population inside of H3 hexes based on the number of buildings inside of a hex relative to the number of buildings in the block group that hex comes from. This second approach has the advantage that it does not assign population to hexes which contain agricultural land, forests, parks, or other areas that are clearly unpopulated. Once again, testing aggregation on the Houston metro area produced a result that was 99% accurate. This was a pleasant surprise to me, because I was worried that this method might introduce "double counting" from hexes which intersect more than one census block group. With the enhancement of open-source mapping capabilities, I could see this method becoming even more effective. The YuzuData have been able to do a lot with Overture Maps Foundation and OpenStreetMap data so far. We're excited to see how the technology will evolve in the future and hope to make our own contributions to it someday.
Do we even have a housing shortage? If half of new condo developments are sitting empty (as CBC reports), it sounds more like a structural housing issue, than a supply problem. So why are we willingly turning single family homes into short-term rentals and multi-unit dwellings, when supply is not the problem? This only further exacerbates the problem, putting even more housing stock into the hands of investors, who "only care about the return on their investment". Carolyn Parrish and Chris Fonseca - I hope the Mayors Housing Task Force will get to the bottom of this and will reign in the conversion of family homes into hotel suites and rooming houses.
Are our neighbourhoods shrinking? Recent census data tells an interesting story for Mississauga: ? double-digit population increases in urban areas like our downtown ?shrinking population in our low-rise neighbourhoods Did you know that building more types of homes – like basement apartments, triplexes, fourplexes and garden suites – can help neighbourhoods thrive? Learn more about the types of homes you can build on your lot and check out our pre-approved garden suite plans:
In my last post, I talked about the question of estimating population in H3 hexes that came up while I was working on a project at YuzuData. This turned out to be a pretty fun side-project and a good learning experience. I decided to try out two approaches to this problem in Wherobots. Using U.S. census block group population data, I first estimated population inside H3 hexes based on area (essentially assuming that population is distributed evenly inside of census block groups). To test the effectiveness of this approach, I decided to look at the Houston, TX metro area. Aggregating at the metro area level based on the "naive" estimates gave an answer that was less than 1% under the official counts based on census data. Encouraged by this result, I decided to try a slightly more sophisticated approach next.
As shared in Shelburne's area business newsletter last week! For the Census and other federal data sources, the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) is a basic economic geography. An MSA has relatively high population density at its core and close economic ties around the region. In the USA as of 2023, there are 387 MSAs, home to 86% of our population. The largest is New York-Newark, with 19.5 million people. Vermont’s only MSA is Burlington, which includes Shelburne. Burlington MSA ranks 208/387 in population, with 228,000 people. The MSA produces 38% of Vermont’s economic output. Notable assets are GlobalFoundries, University of Vermont and its hospital, Burton, and Ben & Jerry’s. While my life feels fairly rural, I’ve only lived within MSA boundaries: before Burlington, there was Winchester, VA; Virginia Beach-Norfolk; Washington-Alexandria; and Charlottesville, VA.
The latest version of Maptutde “Maptitude 2024” is being rolled out in March 2024.?This software update includes updated data from the 2022 ACS (American Community Survey) and the 2020 Census.?Here is a map using the latest version of the software, showing the estimated population change at the county level between 2020 and 2022.? #maptitude #gis #gismapping
A map showing 2010 population by Neighborhood Tabulation Areas (NTAs) in New York City. NTAS are medium-sized statistical geographies for reporting Decennial Census and American Community Survey (ACS). NTA boundaries and their associated names roughly correspond many neighborhoods commonly recognized by New Yorkers. In the year 2010, a total of 10 NTAS had a population density exceeding 100,000 individuals per square mile, with all of them situated exclusively within the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx #GIS #SpatialAnalysis #DataAnalysis #Symbology #abdulrhmangoda #QGIS #populationDenesity
New report - Mapping Core Housing Need in Hamilton, contains interactive maps that allow for exploring data on core housing need at the census tract (neighbourhood) level, with clickable popup information for each census tract. #HamOnt #NationalHousingDay
Mapping Core Housing Need in Hamilton - SPRC Hamilton
"A new report from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) shows 35,000 to 53,000 new dwellings will be needed annually based on projected population growth scenarios. The report looks at forecasts for population levels and related housing requirements using census and research data, as well as various forecasts on international migration patterns." ?? Read more key findings from the report: ?? Read coverage in RTE News:
Up to 53,000 new dwellings needed per year - ESRI
Owner - LEBCO LLC. Operations Manager at Gradient Dynamics, LLC.
6 天前How are PDTs created assumptions equations and operational requirements determined at the density nodes by time of day, special occassions etc Also need to cite the epidemiological assumptions affect the population by node age sex race as well as definitive occurrence factors by each disease or affliction as it affects population factors. It seems to me that each PDT is composed of multi dimensional cells whose baseline data is either unknown or uncollected and cannot be verified. The fundamental population dimension is unknown and unknowable for populations in advanced countries in allotted countries population size birth rates and death rates continuously change and affect nodal values in unknown ways. I suspect that the concept of a PDT is at best an estimate with a chi square value of less than 80 % against any nodal census. If you have written a paper on this concept its construction and validation I would like to read a copy. Andy Loebl