National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC)的动态

As computing becomes more and more ubiquitous in daily life through technologies like AI and the Internet of Things, researchers are working to develop a new generation of microchips that not only outperform current technology but are also more energy-efficient. One possible route to these microchips is using materials that demonstrate negative capacitance – that is, the ability to store a greater amount of electrical charge at lower voltages. At Berkeley Lab, a multidisciplinary team of researchers recently relied on NERSC's Perlmutter supercomputer to help develop FerroX, a new open-source 3D simulation framework. The framework has already enabled a new research capability: modeling the atomistic origins of negative capacitance in 3D at the device level, which may contribute to the faster, cheaper development of these ultra-efficient microchips. Learn more: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Berkeley Lab Computing Sciences

New Computer Simulations Help Scientists Advance Energy-Efficient Microelectronics

New Computer Simulations Help Scientists Advance Energy-Efficient Microelectronics
