The National Brownfields Coalition will serve as subject matter experts for the NLC Brownfields Bootcamp, a free opportunity to connect with technical assistance providers, federal officials, and your fellow cities to learn more about the EPA funding process and how to build a strong, competitive grant application. You will leave with grant and technical assistance resources to develop and support your community’s land reuse goals. Register now for eight free weekly webinars and 1:1 consultations starting the week of May 20th and going until early September.
Register by Wednesday, May 15 for the National League of Cities' Local Infrastructure Hub spring trainings. In these free, multi-week courses, municipal staff at small to mid-sized cities, towns, and villages will learn how to craft compelling grant applications to unlock federal funds for brownfields reuse, reconnecting communities, and more. Smart Growth America is participating in two of the Bootcamp offerings: National Brownfields Coalition is leading the Brownfields Program and Transportation For America Reconnecting Communities & Neighborhoods Program. Communities that have participated in the trainings have already secured more than $203 million—with more being announced every month! Register today at