National Association of ACOs的动态

The American Heart Association recently published findings from a research project exploring the experiences of medically complex patients, their family caregivers, and care team members in #accountablecare arrangements. Researchers conducted 27 interviews, with participants reporting that ACOs provide better care and outcomes for patients and offer a better practice experience for members of the health care team. Patients reported that ACOs offer person-centered care and communication, coordinated and holistic care, enhanced access to care and support, and improved health outcomes. These findings support advocacy for changes to the health care delivery and payment system that improve the experience of care, outcomes and efficiency for all stakeholders. Thanks to Melanie Phelps, DrPH, JD and team for this great work! Check out the executive summary and issue briefs at #valuebasedcare #bettercare #patientcenteredcare

Health System Transformation

Health System Transformation
