Pickle little trip. Take a little trip. Take a little trip with me. What's happening everybody? I am in Fort Worth, TX getting ready for broker carries carrier summit. And. Little late getting out the Tuesday trip today, so it is really, really bright down here. I'm actually not at the at the hotel. I'm staying at the the Stockyards area in Fort Worth, which you can see behind me here. It's a nice little area. If you've never been, I suggest you come down and check it out. It's a nice little area to walk. The the. Spring Hill Suites hotel here is super nice. They have a a lovely bar restaurant area on the 6th floor. Spent some time there last night so really nice place. Really great downtown ish area or or or little area down here you can walk through with lots of great restaurants and bars. If you're in the Fort Worth area. Ever check it out? Super excited broker carrier summits kicking off tomorrow starts with the post and pray classic in the morning for those of you attending that I will not be there, but I hope you all have a lot of fun. I'll be around starting in the in the afternoon. So if you're if you're coming in at noon, look for me love to chat with people. I'm I'm doing a bunch of interviews, just recorded interviews, but love to hear everybody's story. So if you're coming in to. CS and want to meet with me, hook me up or hook up with me, shoot me an e-mail, hit me up on LinkedIn and I love to sit down with you for 1520 minutes and record an interview. So e-mail is
[email protected] and reach out anytime. One thing I wanted to talk about, and I said this a few weeks ago, you know, just the cost to individuals, the cost to carriers, the cost to drivers today. On the road is wild and everyone seems to have their hands in your pocket. O the one thing I wanted to touch on today was and and none of these are bad. If it's something that you actually want to use, if it's something that is a value add to you as a service and it's meaningful. It's meaningful and it's something that you absolutely need. But if you look at it over time. You have to wonder. Is this something you should use, or is this something that you feel that is a crutch, something that you're using because you don't know how to do it? So one of those things that I want to talk about is dispatch services. Is an owner operator as a small trucking company? Let's say you have two trucks. You're paying a dispatcher to dispatch those trucks, and that dispatcher is not part of your organization. Is that the wisest choice within your organization? Do you see benefits? Sure. Some of these services say that they can make more money for you because they have better negotiating power, They have better relationships with people. Something like Broker Carrier Summit where you can come to attend as a carrier and and get to know some very good brokers, people that have brokers that have. A great a background that have have good established relationships with carriers and a lot of references. And you walk away from this type of an event with potentially a book of business or or opportunities for you to put your two trucks to work directly with the broker that or or more than one broker that will actually in most theories set you up with freight so you don't have to have a dispatch service. So back in my day when I was when I was running trucks. And admittedly, I don't have a trucking company today, but I used to drive and I used to run a lot of trucks. And you know, I still, I still bleed diesel no matter how it works. I still look at what is in the best interest for the industry and I pay a lot of attention to what's going on across everything in the industry. I think a lot of you probably know that based upon, you know, how I interact with everyone on social media. But back in my day, if you had a good few. Relationships with some brokers. Maybe a few relationships with shippers, but as a small carrier that would be hard. So a good few relationships with some good brokers and you may not need that dispatch service. They're going to dispatch you on their freight anyway. So what's the point of the dispatch service at all? What's the point of giving them percentages of all of your freight? So you start doing the math on this. So if you are factoring your freight. If you are paying a dispatch service to dispatch your free. You start pulling these percentage points off the top and this is a low margin industry and there's not much left. Actually, there's probably nothing left to cover your bottom line. So once again, late Tuesday trip going into broker carrier Summit Driving Forward podcast. We will be live Thursday at 1:00 PM ish. We might be a little late going live this week, but we're going to do our best to come live at 1:00. We might be coming live more like 115. We'll see how the schedule works. There's a lot of lot of activity at the summit, but we are going live with the summit. We have a great crew of people. Just really excited about this event, meeting a lot of friends, meeting a lot of new people. Last I looked the attendance I we might hit 500. So super pumped to see that it is not too late to attend if you are in the area. If you're swinging through the area, come on by use the code GL CS for a little discount. So swing on through. Look us up event starts tomorrow. On the heavy days Thursday, hope to see everyone there. Take care, stay curious, stay in for him, keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Until next time, drive forward with purpose and innovation. Thanks for watching.
Head of Sales @ Arvist | Consultant | #ThatSupplyChainGuy
4 个月Enjoy Nate!