Friday Mood: Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. - Emerson #factsonfriday #factsfriday #fridaymood #fridayfeeling #FridayThoughts #nascencegroup
Nascence Group LLC的动态
"Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas? We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." Jack romanticised the whole idea of space exploration, instilling this big dream in the audience at that time, making space this frontier that was so far yet so achievable by human kind. For a brief moment, he made it seem like the collective "we" could explore space together as a cohesive unit. Yes, there was competition with East but the idea of a 'joint exploration' as one humankind was not far from his mind. Jack's vision transcended mere national pride and geopolitical rivalry. He tapped into a deeper, more universal aspiration—the intrinsic human desire to explore, to push boundaries, and to achieve the extraordinary, to achieve what NO human being has ever dared to dream about In his speech, he emphasised on the value of freedom, calling on the people to create their own destiny rather than have it imposed or chosen for them. He framed space as a new frontier, emphasised the urgency and feasibility of the moon mission within the context of the present and appealed to the audience's sense of identity. Jack's words carried a powerful message : that the pursuit of such grand and profound challenges brings out the best in us. We are reminded that it is never solely a competition with other individuals, other entities, other nations; it is always about competing against our own limitations Jack embodied the ultimate human spirit, of hope, of progress and of the boundless potential of human ambition. Ultimately, the moon would be his one great gift for humanity. If only he saw what America did in 1969, just 6 years after his passing.
In September 1962, President Kennedy declared: “We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.”? In just under 7 years, his goal was finally achieved on July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first men to walk on the Moon as part of the Apollo 11 mission. #OnThisDay #Leadership #Goals #Moonshot #Apollo11 #NASA
Did you know, the Prophet (saw) observed fasting on these two days - an act he (saw) described as having ‘nothing equal to it’. [Nasa’i] We may dislike Modays but did you know the day holds many virtues? Read our blog to find out more
Our company is owned and managed by Denise Marcoccia and supported by the hard work and dedication of her extraordinary team. With that, we embody the principles celebrated in the recent Empire Space report. See more on our latest blog: . . . #CladMetalSpecialties #CladMetals #MetalCladding #CompositeMaterials #AerospaceEngineering #DefenseIndustry #PrototypeToProduction #InlayClads #OverlayClads #Toplays #SophisticatedMaterials #ContactMaterials #RollingSlittingAnnealing #CustomStamping #MilitarySolutions #SpaceExploration #NASA #BarcodeScanners #AirForceEngineering #AerospaceTechnology #MicroelectronicsIndustry #MadeInTheUSA #ProductivityImprovement #defensemanufacturing #metalprecision #materialsengineering #materialsscience #spaceexploration #engineeredmaterials #custommetal
Discover the power of personal growth and mental resilience with our program. #scienceandtechnology #futurejobs #innovation #NASA #Motivation #Resilience ??: @NASA E-book Link:
You are a laugh riot Bobby-T, tagging 3 NASA SES’ (including the HCA), a fellow consultant who knows nothing about SEWP, and a protest specialist. Hey…why not tag Jared Isaacman next time. In fact…why stop there? Why not copy or tag the current and incoming administrations, Santa Clause, and Pope Francis. If one of them responds you can plug that to your clients. The odd thing is that despite your public display not once have you tagged the program or program leadership. Huh? Why might that be? Maybe…just maybe…it is because you misunderstand this process. You couldn’t spell SEWP a year ago. You are not the voice of industry. The program has been working with thousands of industry providers on an annual basis for years. Be honest. You are Jonny-come-lately to a successful federal program and are only now engaging to seek future relevance. That’s opportunism. It’s OK…really…there are a lot of you out there who are using social media influencing strategies to raise your level of visibility. Maybe talk one who can advise you better on whom to tag and call out on your posts. You’d rather tag NASA senior leadership (public posturing) than the program personnel who have successfully stewarded this program since its inception, and in whom NASA leadership has placed trust and who are the responsible parties making decisions and doing the work. Who do you think answered the over 6000 questions? As awesome as NASA leadership is (and they are…really awesome), I can assure you that it was handled by the program. The same program that, along with federal agencies, the SEWP contract holders, and thousands of industry providers made NASA SEWP the largest and most successful GWAC and IT acquisition vehicle in government. And they all did it without your help. Wow…imagine that. After all…what on earth could they possibly do without the valuable assistance you provided to them through your self promoting social media posts? Tag me next time Bobby-T. Leave Carla, Sarah, and Dwight alone. They have significantly better things to do than listening to a “Look at me I am Bobby-T”podcast. #lookatmebobbyt #enjoyingmyholiday
Today, we recorded a podcast episode today on #NASA #SEWPVI Amendment 10 and the significant changes we see. Hope you enjoy it. #nasa #sewpvi #gwac #idiq #govcon #smallbusiness #proposals Sarah Pollock Dwight D. Deneal Karla Smith Jackson Tan Wilson Josh Duvall
Discover the power of personal growth and mental resilience with our program. #scienceandtechnology #futurejobs #innovation #NASA #Motivation #Resilience ??: @NASA E-book Link:
Amendment 82: Due Dates Delayed for ROSES-2023 A.67 Earth Action: Supporting Climate Resilient Communities ... - Science@NASA: Amendment 82: Due Dates Delayed for ROSES-2023 A.67 Earth Action: Supporting Climate Resilient Communities ...??Science@NASA #ai #artificialintelligence
On this Memorial Day weekend, we honor and remember the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. Let's come together to reflect, remember, and stand strong. #MemorialDay #HonorOurHeroes #NeverForget #CladMetalSpecialties #CladMetals #MetalCladding #CompositeMaterials #AerospaceEngineering #DefenseIndustry #PrototypeToProduction #InlayClads #OverlayClads #Toplays #SophisticatedMaterials #ContactMaterials #RollingSlittingAnnealing #CustomStamping #MilitarySolutions #SpaceExploration #NASA #BarcodeScanners #AirForceEngineering #AerospaceTechnology #MicroelectronicsIndustry #MadeInTheUSA #ProductivityImprovement
Can understanding yourself lead to patriotism? Here's Part 3 of 5 in our series that attempts to answer the question. #educationpolicy #teacher #schools #nasa #patriotism #creativity
The U.S. Navy uses quasars as navigation beacons, and aspiring naval officer Olivia Achenbach has uncovered surprising properties of quasar J0742+2704 using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, following the 2020 discovery of newborn jets in quasars. More Read > #QuasarDiscovery #SpaceNavigation #HubbleTelescope #NavalResearch #OliviaAchenbach #AstronomyBreakthrough #NASA #QuasarJ0742+2704 #SpaceExploration