There is a ticking clock on the availability of evidence following a truck collision. ? Truck wreck lawyers usually do not have the benefit of appearing on scene to talk to law enforcement, interview bystanders, and take pictures of the wreckage. ?From the moment a collision occurs the clock begins to tick on the availability of fleeting evidence. Defense attorneys are called by companies minutes after a wreck. Truck wreck lawyers are usually contacted days, if not months later by catastrophically injured victims. By that time, the truck cab and/or trailer has been repaired and put back in service, data has been cleared, wreckage has been salvaged, and witnesses have disappeared. Investigating a truck wreck case requires a thorough and comprehensive approach. Here are some steps that may be involved in investigating a truck wreck case: 1 Obtain the police report 2 Document the scene of the accident 3 Gather evidence from the vehicles 4 Interview witnesses 5 Analyze medical records 6 Review applicable regulations 7 Consider hiring experts such as accident reconstructionist. Your attorney matters. Are you struggling to get the clarity, transparency, and peace of mind you deserve? Visit today or call 720- 637-7786 because your family’s future matters. #Denverlawyer #COlawyer #DenverCountyLawyer #PersonalinjurylawyerDenver #PersonalinjurylawyerCO #PersonalinjurylawyerDenverCounty #NaresLawGroup #Personalinjury #lawyer #personalinjurylegaladvice #denverlawyerfreeconsultation