??22 March is #worldwaterday-we are officially in a?#water #crisis?? "Demand is expected to outstrip fresh water supply by 40%, by 2030" just 7 years away ??"No person, place, economy or ecosystem will be spared" ??“The scientific evidence is that we have a water crisis.?We are misusing?water, polluting water, and changing the whole global hydrological cycle, through what we are doing to the #climate. It’s a triple crisis.”Oh wow, a triple crisis?? ??"The world’s current neglect of water resources is leading to disaster"said Prof. Johan Rockstrom, co-author of the OECD report?on "the #economics of water" ??Sewage systems need radical overhauls?“we use safe, fresh water to carry excreta, urine, nitrogen, phosphorus – and then need to have inefficient wastewater treatment plants that leak 30% of all the nutrients into downstream aquatic ecosystems and destroy them and cause dead zones. We’re really cheating ourselves in terms of this linear system" ?So, what can we do about this "triple crisis" of water? Well, we urgently need system change from our government policymakers, who need to act at lightning speed after decades of inaction. Remember: "Human survival depends on a sustainable water cycle" ? How can they ensure water security for their citizenry, I hear you ask? ?"Governments must urgently stop subsidising the extraction and overuse of water through misdirected agricultural subsidies, and industries from mining to manufacturing must be made to overhaul their wasteful practices." Now. The time is now. ??Did you know? "More than $1tn of subsidies globally go to agriculture and water each year and these often fuel excessive water consumption."That's $125 per person in a world of 8bn.?? ??Without clean water how can we have food security? "Water is?fundamental to the climate crisis?and the global food crisis." ?? Key recommended solutions: ??Reshaping policymaking and act immediately - "Water?leakage must be urgently addressed and restoring freshwater systems such as wetlands." ?? Scaling up investment in water management through public-private partnerships ??Pricing water properly and establishing “just water partnerships” to raise finance for water projects in developing and middle-income countries ????Reform the governance of water at an international level - include water in trade agreements. Women, farmers, indigenous people and others in the frontline of water conservation must be taken into account ???"1 child under 5 dies every 80 seconds from diseases caused by polluted water." (OECD,2023) “We need a much more proactive, and ambitious, common good approach. We have to put justice and equity at the centre.”Mariana Mazzucato, UCL professor of economics & lead author. ?? "Human survival depends on a sustainable water cycle." So, maybe a good time for sponge cities approaches?And water harvesting systems for all buildings?What else do you think we can do to help lessen the water crises? https://lnkd.in/d8waERJN
??Full PDF Report & campaign details here; https://turningthetide.watercommission.org/ ??? A call to collective action ?? https://youtu.be/53K6elKsMVg
??Lead authors panel discussion at UN on 22 March at 13.15 NYC time. Available live on... https://watercommission.org/event/side-event-turning-the-tide-call-to-collective-action/
?"What's the impact of the water crises for businesses & what can they do about it?" ??"According to a 2020 report, an estimated $301bn of business value is at risk due to water scarcity, pollution and climate change. How companies choose to address these challenges will determine the future vitality of their businesses." Yikes, $301bn of business value is at risk, read further on issues and potential solutions here?? Thanks Shashi Bhatnagar for the share https://quantis.com/water-stress-business-priority/
?? Very insightful post on water pollution and global distribution below. A must-view for any business operations leaders globally. Thanks for sharing Nicholas Holm & Shashika Antbhatnagar https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/activity-7051915119592644609-VpiC?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
??Updated 27/5/23: UN water conference reflection & very insightful post, thanks to Cate Lamb ???? https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/catelamb_unwaterconference-water-governments-activity-7063904557981995008-7MSp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android
We knew that 15-20 years ago and did not act with foresight but continued to make things worse - when I worked with UK Foresight on the International Dimension of Climate Change Impact report in 2009/10 was the time to act decisively. The then Chief Scientis of the UK Prof Sir John Beddington wrote a paper entitled 'The Perfect Storm' predicting it for 2030 - well it is brewing fast and this is only one dimension of it - the Water-Food-Energy nexus that is all negatively affected by climate change will put an end to business as usual and we had decades to prepare for it, now we have years! https://medium.com/hackernoon/preparing-for-the-perfect-storm-21ae6468003e
Naomi you would have been very impressed at the Dublin Parade, maybe you were there as they had a float for cleaner seas...
Thete is no way to overstate the importance of water. That said, there is no way to overstate the importance of food. Or jobs for people to buy food and water. If we run out of fresh water, it is because we choose to do so. We are not in danger of running out of water. We are in danger of not cleaning it.
Naomi Sheehan - my only fear and maybe 3rd points in summary in article that we try to find water pricing solutions through market mechanisms which are flawed. There is a very nice documentary shown recently - https://www.aljazeera.com/program/featured-documentaries/2022/3/31/lords-of-water - Both episodes are there where experiments have harmed people more than really handle the true challenge of water.
Strategic Societal Leadership & Community Development. Sustainable Humanitarian Development Scientist & Social Justice Campaigner. Disability & Carer's Rights Advocate.
1 年??Breaking news today ???? Italy is launching €7.8 billion to "tackle a severe drought that is hitting the country" Rome's energy and environment minister was quoted as saying earlier today. ??This just goes to show the economics of water & the true cost of decades of inaction in Europe. The lack of leadership is astounding, and now we are faced with humanitarian crisis, globally. We must see radical environmental action now to save human lives. ??No water = No life https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/italy-readies-78-bln-euro-package-tackle-drought-newspaper-2023-03-17/