Massive Support for Fossil-Free Future Denmark’s Demand to Revise the North Sea Agreement!
Through an open letter, 17 organizations and 98 scientists are now calling on the Danish government to end oil extraction much earlier than currently planned under the North Sea Agreement (link for letter below).
In 2020, a broad coalition of parties agreed to put an end date on oil & gas production in the Danish North Sea by 2050. However, this is far too late according to a report from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research released during COP28, which concluded that rich countries like Denmark must phase-out all fossil fuel production by 2031 to ensure a just energy transition.
The organizations and researchers signing the open letter furthermore emphasize the urgent need to revise the agreement to close its loopholes, thereby preventing the fossil fuel industry from expanding oil and gas production on Danish soil.
? Read the open letter and see all signatories here:
?? Read the report:
?? Read today's article on the open latter in today's Dagbladet Information:
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Thanks so much to the 98 scientists and Greenpeace, Danmarks Naturfredningsforening, R?det for Gr?n Omstilling, Klimabev?gelsen i Danmark, Oxfam, Plastic Change, Verdens Skove , Den Gr?nne Ungdomsbev?gelse, Mission East, Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke, CARE, Global Aktion, Globalt Fokus, AnsvarligFremtid, Rethinking Economics and NOAH for signing the open letter.