Richard Messing who has recently joined MyWhatif Ethics and Trust board in a fascinating article to the UN Today. A good read! #AIforgood #ethics #responsibleAI #mentalhealthethics
A new article for UN Today. This time, Richard Messing, Founder and Executive Director of the World Ethics Organization. What are ethics besides their theoretical definition? Why do people generally talk a lot about ethics, but when it comes to applying them, there are plenty of examples where X should have been done but Y was actually applied. How do you integrate ethics in circumstances with corporate interests? We spoke with the institution that represents not only the theory, but also the practice of this critically important word. Here's the article. Here's his story: Special thanks to: Maggie Jurajda, Alisa L. Possibly interesting to: Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Professional Ethics, Ethics in Innovation Conference, Ethics, AI & future robotics of Open Geneva, American Humanist Association, Human Rights Watch, European Court of Human Rights