Mohéli, also known as Mwali, is one of the three islands which make up the Union of Comoros. Mohéli is located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Africa. It is the smallest of the Comoros islands. Its population is about 38,500. Its capital city is Fomboni. Its main ethnic group, as on the other Comoros islands Grande Comore, Anjouan and Mayotte, is the Comorian ethnic group, a synthesis of Bantu, Arab, Malay and Malagasy culture.
As South Africa braces for more severe weather, it's clear that climate resilience must be a top priority. We need comprehensive strategies to address the root causes of climate change and support affected communities. #climatechange #capetown #resilience #sustainablefuture #climateaction
Mkoa wa pwani wa Afrika Kusini wa Cape Magharibi, ukiwemo mji mkuu wake Cape Town, umekumbwa na dhoruba kali na upepo mkali, na kuacha njia ya uharibifu na kukimbia. #SouthAfrica #CapeTown #StormDamage #ClimateChange #ExtremeWeather
This crisis highlights the disproportionate impact of climate change on vulnerable populations. Immediate international aid, including cholera vaccines, is needed, but long-term solutions are vital. Addressing climate change through emission reductions and investing in resilient infrastructure, especially in sanitation, can significantly reduce future risks. #climateaction #publichealth #infrastructuredevelopment #globalhealth #sustainablecities
Maeneo ya Afrika Mashariki na Kusini mwa Afrika yanakabiliwa na kuongezeka kwa milipuko ya kipindupindu, ukumbusho wa kikatili wa matokeo mabaya ya kiafya ya mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa na ukuaji wa haraka wa miji. #CholeraOutbreak, #AfricaCholera, #ClimateCrisisHealth, #WaterSanitationHygiene, #ClimateAction, #PublicHealth, #SaveAfrica
Kipindupindu Hufagia Afrika Mashariki na Kusini huku Mabadiliko ya Tabianchi na Ukuaji wa Miji Ukigongana
Why is Kiswahili important for African unity? In an Africa where over 2,000 languages are spoken, Kiswahili stands as a powerful tool for breaking down language barriers. It paves the way for better understanding and effective cooperation between nations. By incorporating Swahili into our education systems, our trade, and our diplomacy policies, we not only strengthen African identity but also lay the foundation for a united and prosperous Africa. Deciding to embrace and promote Swahili is choosing to value our heritage, protect our cultures, and build an Africa where linguistic and cultural diversity is an enrichment, not a division. At Uswahili, we believe that Swahili is not just a language, but a movement to unite, inspire, and transform Africa. Mr.Anord Justus Rwegoshora African Union YALI Regional Leadership Center East Africa African Languages Conference (AFLC) African Development Bank Group African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat Tomasz Adam Nowowieyski Wasafi Media Group
Kwa nini Kiswahili ni muhimu kwa umoja wa Afrika? Barani Afrika ambapo zaidi ya lugha 2,000 huzungumzwa, Kiswahili kinasimama kama chombo chenye nguvu cha kuvunja vikwazo vya lugha. Kiswahili hufungua njia ya kuelewana vizuri zaidi na kushirikiana kwa ufanisi kati ya mataifa. Tukijumuisha Kiswahili kwenye mifumo yetu ya elimu, biashara zetu, na diplomasia, tunaimarisha si tu utambulisho wa Kiafrika bali pia tunajenga msingi wa Afrika iliyoungana na yenye mafanikio. Kuamua kukubali na kukuza Kiswahili ni kuchagua kuthamini urithi wetu, kulinda tamaduni zetu, na kujenga Afrika ambapo tofauti za lugha na tamaduni ni utajiri, si mgawanyiko. Hapa Uswahili, tunaamini kuwa Kiswahili si lugha tu, bali ni harakati ya kuunganisha, kuhamasisha, na kubadilisha Afrika. Na wewe je? Unaonaje nafasi ya Kiswahili katika mustakabali wa bara letu? Toa maoni yako hapa chini! #Uswahili #Kiswahili #UmojaWaAfrika #AfrikaPamoja
In Senegal, we have a concept that defines our way of life. Teranga.? Most people translate Teranga as ‘hospitality,’ but it has no equivalent in English.? #Teranga is ingrained in us from the moment we’re born. Its display goes beyond the sharing of material possessions or opening up one’s home. It is the spirit of generosity, sharing, tolerance, openness, and kindness all in one. The practice creates a safe and welcoming space for all people irrespective of their identity.?Teranga creates mutual respect. It is the antidote to division. No wonder more than 36 ethnic groups co-exist in Senegal peacefully. Teranga is a reminder that kindness isn’t a personality trait. It is a choice. On #WorldKindnessDay and everyday, we can choose to be each other’s safety nets in every sense of the word. This BBC article does a great job at explaining what it's like to experience teranga firsthand:
Teraanga: The word that defines Senegal
Celebrating Alkebulan: a Legacy of Joy and Innovation ?? Africa, or Alkebulan, is a continent of unmatched vibrancy and diversity. Often called the "Mother of Mankind," Alkebulan is the birthplace of civilization, holding the ancient communities and cultures that have influenced the course of human history. Rich Cultural Legacy: Africa is a continent brimming with vitality and inventiveness, as seen by the ancient Egyptian pyramids and the busy streets of Lagos. Here, dance and music are not just forms of art; they are soulful expressions. Through colorful festivals and enduring customs, communities ranging from the Maasai to the Zulu continue to commemorate their origins. Profound Ideas: Akebulan has consistently been a center for advancement and creativity. A ray of prosperity and education, the Kingdom of Mali was ruled by the fabled Mansa Musa. Africa's promise is being seen on a global scale by cities like Johannesburg and Nairobi, which are vibrant hubs for entrepreneurship and technology. Resilience and Hope: Amidst challenges, the people of Alkebulan display an unwavering spirit of resilience and hope. Leaders like Nelson Mandela have inspired generations with their dedication to justice and equality. Across the continent, young innovators are driving change and crafting a future filled with promise. Together with honoring the significant contributions made by its people to our global community, let's celebrate Alkebulan's beauty, strength, and happiness. ?? Here's to Alkebulan, a continent rich in joy, diversity, and boundless potential! ?? - - #Alkebulan #Africa #Innovation #Culture #Heritage #Hope #Resilience
Well Sir, a high GDP often suggests a thriving economy, but it doesn't necessarily reflect how wealth is distributed or the quality of life for all citizens. Allow me to give you some pointers. 1?? A rising GDP can mask significant inequality. Wealth might be concentrated in the hands of a few, while the majority of the population experiences stagnant wages, limited access to healthcare, education, and other basic services. Should we still celebrate a high GDP then? 2?? GDP doesn't account for how many people are still living in poverty. People at the bottom of the economic ladder may lack access to decent housing, clean water, and nutritious food, all of which contribute to suffering, regardless of a country’s overall economic performance. What good is a high GDP at this point? 3?? A focus on GDP alone ignores the quality of growth. Growth driven by sectors that don't create jobs or improve living standards (like extractive industries which is rapidly growing in Tanzania) can inflate GDP figures without improving people's daily lives. A better measure would consider factors like employment, income equality, and environmental sustainability. 4?? Beyond GDP, social indicators such as the Human Development Index (HDI), poverty rates, life expectancy, and literacy rates give a more comprehensive view of how well people are actually doing. In essence, GDP is just a number—it’s important, but it doesn’t tell the whole story. What really matters is how that wealth is used to improve the lives of all citizens. What we need to see and hear is how governments are taking measures to address this imbalance. They can keep their GDP figures to themselves. I rest my case. PS: We’ve had enough of slogans like "Tanzania ya Mama," "Tanzania ya Magufuli," or "Mama anafanya kazi." As professionals, it feels out of place for us to speak in such terms—let's leave that to the politicians. Our focus should be on more substantive and objective discussions.
Tanzania ya Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan yazidi kupaa Kwa ukuaji wa Pato la Taifa , Yashika nafasi ya 10 Africa huku ikizidiwa na Africa kusini,Misri,Algeria,Nigeria,Morocco,Ethiopia,Kenya ,Angola na Cote D'Ivoire Kwa upande wa Africa Mashariki ni nchi ya Pili tukizidiwa na Kenya tu!
There is a powerful tool that is needed for uniting the whole continent of Africa. And it’s nothing else other than a language which is easy to learn. A language that responds to all criterias of being officially recognized. Therefore it is better to use a language with a high percentage of speakers in Africa. And that language is Swahili. The Uswahili Organization assures that Swahili is a language that has the potential to unite Africa by reducing communication challenges among Africans. Uswahili is also advocating and promoting the establishment of policies reflecting the use of Kiswahili in schools, business, and even political sectors. We should strengthen the cohesion of our continent and maintain peace and security in Africa by using this powerful weapon (Kiswahili). Kiswahili is a bridge to bring us to the dream of a united, developed, and lasting peace Africa.African Union African Development Bank Group African Union Youth Division YALI Network Sustainable Development Goals Ltd Wasafi Media Group African Languages Conference (AFLC)
Muungano wa Afrika una hitaji chombo muhimu chaku hanzia. Na si kitu chochote bali ni lugha ambayo ina hongeleka kiuraisi. Kwaku hanzia ni bora kutumia lugha ambayo ina hongeleka na asilimia kubwa ya watu Afrika. Na lugha hiyo ni Kiswahili. Shirika la Uswahili lina wakikishia kwamba Kiswahili ni lugha ambayo ina uwezo wa kuunganisha Afrika kwa kupunguza changamoto za mawalisiano kati ya wa Afrika. Shirika la Uswahili lina himarisha uwepo wa sera za Kiswahili kutumika katika shule, biashara, na hata siasa, tunaweza kuimarisha mshikamano wa bara letu na kudumisha amani na tamaduni zetu. Kiswahili ni daraja la kutufikisha kwenye ndoto ya Afrika iliyoungana, yenye maendeleo, na amani ya kudumu.
Uganda embarks on its first digital National Population and Housing Census 2024, aiming to capture valuable insights into demographics and trends. President Museveni urges cooperation for effective planning. How do you think this census will impact Uganda's future development? #ugandacensus #datadrivendevelopment
Uganda tarehe 10 Mei 2024 ilianza Sensa ya Kitaifa ya Watu na Makazi ya kwanza ya kidijitali ya 2024 kote nchini.
Uganda Yafanya Sensa ya Kidijitali kwa Mara ya Kwanza
Fulani people are a diverse and widespread ethnic group found in many countries in West Africa, including Nigeria, Senegal, Guinea, Mali, and others. Here are some positive traits and characteristics associated with Fulani men: 1.Hospitality: Fulani men are known for their warm welcome and generosity towards guests. 2.Resilience: They are skilled nomadic herders, adapted to harsh environments and resilient in the face of challenges. 3.Strong cultural heritage: Fulani men take great pride in their rich cultural traditions, language, and customs. 4.Skilled craftsmen: Many Fulani men are expert craftsmen, known for their beautiful leatherwork, woodcarvings, and other artisanal skills. 5.Respectful: Fulani men are often courteous and respectful towards others, valuing dignity and honor. 6.Strong family bonds: Family is highly important in Fulani culture, and men often prioritize their roles as fathers, brothers, and sons. 7.Resourceful: Fulani men are skilled at finding creative solutions to problems and making the most of limited resources. 8.Proud: Fulani men take pride in their identity, heritage, and accomplishments. 9.Community-oriented: They often prioritize the needs of their community and work together for the common good. 10.Strong sense of justice: Fulani men often have a strong sense of fairness and justice, standing up for what they believe is right. #Fulani?
At the recent SASSCAL meeting, experts revealed that Namibia's cattle industry could collapse if global temperatures rise above 3°C by the late 21st century. This, along with severe water shortages across Southern Africa, underscores the urgent need for climate action. How can we accelerate efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and adapt to these looming challenges? #climatechange #sasscal #sustainability
Ongezeko la Joto Duniani na Mabadiliko ya Hali ya Hewa yanaweza kusababisha kuporomoka kwa Sekta ya Ng'ombe ya Namibia ikiwa hali ya joto duniani itazidi Digrii 3 katika nusu ya pili ya Karne ya 21, wataalam katika mkutano wa Mabadiliko ya Tabianchi Kusini mwa Afrika na Usimamizi wa Ardhi Inayobadilika (SASSCAL) uliofanyika katika mji mkuu. Windhoek ilifichuliwa hivi majuzi. #ClimateChange, #SouthernAfrica, #SASSCAL, #GlobalWarming, #TippingPoints
Wataalamu Waibua Wasiwasi Juu ya Athari za Mabadiliko ya Tabianchi kwenye Kanda Ndogo