Students, Alumni, Volunteers, Interns, and Parents: Holiday Kickback Monday, December 23 2 pm - 4 pm
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So proud of my summer policy interns!!! Their team just completed a successful presentation of their policy proposal to members of the RI House Policy Office. Check out their topic below: Chronic absenteeism has become a significant issue in Rhode Island, with 28,653 students (20% of public school students) marked as chronically absent for the 2023-2024 school year. Within Rhode Island, chronic absenteeism can result in loss of funding, lower standardized test scores, and increased costs to combat this issue. To address this issue, we aim to develop a multifaceted approach that tackles the root causes of chronic absenteeism. This policy proposal explores various dimensions contributing to absenteeism, including socioeconomic factors, transportation, safety concerns, and physiological and medical needs. By providing the necessary support to students and removing blockages to school attendance, RI youth will then earn their education and become part of the workforce in our state, boosting our overall economy and state health. To appropriately address the issue of chronic absenteeism in our state, it is imperative to look at the many facets that affect this demographic of students.
It's hard to believe our fall internship session is at the mid-way mark! Here are the impressive policy topics my students have chosen this semester; great work thus far by all my interns and I can't wait to see your final projects! Government Policy Team 1 - We are targeting our efforts on college campuses to equip students with the proper training in the event of an opioid overdose so that we can all play an active role in the fight against the opioid epidemic.?In order for the RI community to be proactive rather than reactive we believe that access to education and resources surrounding opioids and drug overdoses is a necessity on college campuses in in the state. Government Policy Team 2 - With staggering rising rates of opioid overdoses, especially amongst the youth of our state, more awareness and prevention resources must be enforced for adolescents in RI. A major way to reach this demographic is to provide these resources at a young age, including education about the risk of opioids as well as how to get help if it’s needed. We suggest implementing these resources in RI public high schools in order to properly create and increase awareness and prevent future overdoses. Government Policy Team 3 - There is a growing housing crisis in Rhode Island, with long standing RI residents being the most impacted. Rhode Island residents who have lived here for a number of years are struggling to find ways to pay for their housing as well as keeping up with the cost of living. Our policy proposes property tax cuts for Rhode Islanders who meet certain criteria such as number of years residing in Rhode Island, type of housing, environmental green efforts, etc. to help keep RI residents in our state.
The Arc of New Jersey is hosting a webinar tomorrow, July 16 at 7 pm for parents on what they need to know when applying for their adult child's SSA benefits. The webinar will help clarify common questions about applying for Social Security, including: ? An overview of all adult disability programs, with an emphasis on SSI. ? The steps involved in the disability application and appeals process. ? How to support a claim - providing education records, medical records, internship/work records, family/friend observations, etc. ? Filling out the forms - how to answer the questions to provide accurate and helpful information. Register using the link below ?
10 Statements That Actually Make You #Political “I don’t care about politics. It doesn’t affect me personally.” Well, if you’ve ever thought along these lines, you might be more ‘political’ than you’d like to admit: 1. “It’s so hot these days.” (Climate change due to lack of legal compliance by large-scale corporations) 2. “The train is too crowded.” (Improper allocation of government funds in maintaining/improving public transportation) 3. “I loved watching this movie at the theatre.” (Mass consumption of only those stories that get approval to be screened) 4. “Drinks at the club are too expensive. Let’s pre-game at my house.” (Inflation in the partying/entertainment sector) 5. “I can’t date her. She’s too fat/flat/muscular/dark/tall for me.” (Internalised Western conventional beauty standards) 6. “Let me post on my story to wish him a happy birthday at 12:00 a.m.” (Fast internet and freedom of expression) 7. “I’m writing an e-mail to request an internship; it’s fine if it’s unpaid, I just need the work experience.” (Ability to articulate thoughts in English, owing to schooling at an English-medium institution; financial privilege to afford an unpaid internship) 8. “My parents won’t agree to pay for therapy.” (Stigmatisation of mental health, indirectly correlated to poor psychiatric wards/untrained practitioners in government hospitals) 9. “I bought this sweatshirt from H&M.” (Disposable income to purchase from H&M and ignoring its alleged crimes against minimum-wage workers) 10. “Can you drop me back home? It’s late at night and I don’t want to risk something happening.” (Widespread violence—a lot of which goes unreported—and a broken justice system for survivors) I hope ‘apolitical’ people grow to say, “It’s my responsibility to care about politics. The personal IS political.” My heart goes out to the world. May we do better by valuing our fellow humans’ lives and being loudly political.
Just the Facts: According to USA Facts, fewer high school-aged students (16-19) enter the labor force during the summer when school is out of session. In the 1980s, nearly two-thirds of teens held summer jobs, but this coming-of-age tradition has significantly declined. Today, almost three-fifths of students do not work during the summer. How will this impact our campuses as these teens begin to enroll in post-secondary institutions? To learn more:
Bill Alert! US Senate Bill S 2877 - Earn to Learn Act Policy: Education Status: Bill Introduced Full Details: Bill 118 s 2877, also known as the Earn to Learn Act, is a piece of legislation currently being considered by the US Congress. The main goal of this bill is to provide financial assistance to low-income students who are pursuing higher education. Under the Earn to Learn Act, eligible students would have the opportunity to earn money through part-time work or internships while also receiving financial aid for their education expenses. This would...
Just the Facts: According to USA Facts, fewer high school-aged students (16-19) enter the labor force during the summer when school is out of session. In the 1980s, nearly two-thirds of teens held summer jobs, but this coming-of-age tradition has significantly declined. Today, almost three-fifths of students do not work during the summer. How will this impact our campuses as these teens begin to enroll in post-secondary institutions? To learn more:
We are beyond honoured to announce that UK Youth has been awarded the £1 million Sir Alec Reed Prize by The Reed Foundation. ?? This game-changing funding will enable us to develop an innovative new programme designed to support young people experiencing poor mental health to secure and sustain employment. With youth work at the heart of our approach, this programme will include: ?? Workshops led by youth workers and young people. ?? Professional mentoring, internships, and work placements. ?? Collaboration with employers to foster inclusive and supportive workplaces. Poor mental health remains one of the greatest barriers to young people entering and staying in employment. With over 576,000 young people currently NEET (not in education, employment, or training), this prize allows us to scale our efforts and empower young people to thrive in both life and work. We extend our heartfelt thanks to The Reed Foundation and its trustees for recognising the critical need for this support and for their dedication to young people’s futures. Together, we can tackle one of the greatest challenges of our time. ?? Read more:
For the Fall 2024 semester, CPF POSC 395 Policy Research Internship students explored how new development and the short term rental market impacts the displacement of residents. They researched solutions to address both the affordable housing supply and homelessness issues in Los Angeles. They presented their extensive research and recommendations to our partner, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office. "This experience and the support from the organizational partners empowered me to apply my academic knowledge to real-world challenges. Taking 395 was more than a resume booster, it was an opportunity to bridge the gap between theory and practice, deepening my understanding of how policy decisions impact vulnerable communities. It allowed me to contribute meaningfully to efforts aimed at addressing housing inequities while honing my analytical and problem-solving skills in a professional setting. The class structure, alongside the substantial opportunities to civically engage with CPF, made my POSC 395 experience incredibly worthwhile," said Leah Nwizugbo, a junior majoring in Political Science. A huge shout out to Marcellas Belay, Anthony Hoang, Maria Lopez, and Leah Nwizugbo for your outstanding work on this project! Project Details: USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences - University of Southern California - #research #internship #intern #politics #policy #government #Housing #homelessness #rentalmarket #publicservice #career #careerdevelopment #education #leadership #democracy #students #community #university #civicengagement #womenleaders #LosAngeles #California #USC