Multiplying Good 的动态

At Multiplying Good, we are on a mission to heal our nation by helping one another. History has shown us that service is the answer. Service makes you feel good. Service offers purpose. Service brings people together. Service builds empathy. Service promotes bold, kind, and inclusive leadership. Most importantly, service heals. That's why we are driven by our three core pillars- Celebrate, Cultivate, and Connect. Swipe through to learn more about each of our pillars, and consider becoming a part of The Ripple today! #MultiplyingGood #RipplesofChange #Celebrate #Cultivate #Connect #ServiceLearning #YouthLeadership

  • Graphic image with Multiplying Good logo that says "We are driven by 3 core pillars..."
  • Graphic slide with text header that says "CELEBRATE" with the sub header SERVICE AS A VEHICLE FOR SOCIAL COHESION. 

A paragraph of text underneath reads: "We firmly believe that service is not merely an act but a powerful force that unites people, transcending differences and fostering social cohesion. Through our Jefferson Awards, we tell stories of outstanding service, inspiring others to get involved, find solutions, and make a difference in communities across the United States."
  • Graphic slide with text header that says "CULTIVATE" with the sub header 1 MILLION YOUNG PEOPLE AS EMPATHETIC LEADERS AND CHANGE AGENTS. 

A paragraph of text underneath reads: "Service empowers youth to make a positive impact on issues they care about and harnesses their purpose and passion to build a brighter future. We are dedicated to equipping and empowering overo ne million youth with the tools, skills, and mindset needed to lead with compassion and drive positive change."
  • Graphic slide with text header that says "CONNECT" with the sub header LOCAL AND NATIONAL SERVICE LEADERS TO CREATE A MEGAFORCE FOR GOOD. 

A paragraph of text underneath reads: "The Ripple brings people together from across the nation, connecting individuals who have a goal to create a world where service has a positive impact in communities. The more Multiplying Good can bring people into service, while magnifying and scaling their efforts, the greater the chance we all have to make the world a better place."
  • Graphic side that reads: "Please consider supporting Multiplying Good today. By harnessing the energy and dedication of countless individuals, organizations, and communities across the nation, we aim to create a powerful force that ripples out, touching lives, inspiring action, and effecting lasting change. THANK YOU.
