Please join us at the 27th annual New Mexico Infrastructure Conference next week, October 29th and 30th, at the Isleta Casino and Resort! Molzen Corbin will have a booth for all to visit and to come chat with some of our engineers and staff. This year, Molzen Corbin, the Village of Los Lunas, and NMIFC worked together to coordinate a mobile workshop showing off the many projects that Los Lunas has complete and is currently working on as it expands its community infrastructure! Register to get a spot on this great opportunity to see what the Village has been working on. Get an in depth look at this growing community from Los Lunas’ Public Works Director, Michael Jaramillo, and our own Kevin Eades who will present on recent projects such as the I-25 & Los Lunas Boulevard Corridor, the Facebook-Meta Data Center, El Cerro de Los Lunas Trail, and more! For more information on the conference or to register for the mobile workshop, visit the link below. We hope to see you there!
Molzen Corbin的动态
Problem: "I need to find Transportation Infrastructure projects in North America before the RFP is issued?" Discovering transportation infrastructure projects in North America requires a multifaceted approach, blending research techniques, data sources, and networking. This article provides valuable insights and resources for efficiently identifying and tracking transportation infrastructure projects in North America. Or you can check out the Citylitics' platform. You decide! #pre-RFP #EarlyStageIntelligence #PublicInfrastructure #Transportation #EarlySales #Data-Driven
In the second half of 2023 I was asked to write a report with recommendation to improve the resiliency of Aotearoa's cellular networks based the effects of Cyclone Gabriel. No surprises but resiliency of electricity supply through greater battery maintenance and capacity, resiliency of fibre networks, and redundancy of microwave links featured as investment opportunities to increase the availability of cellular services during and immediately after a disaster event. What will surprise most people is that a lack of access to rural cell sites due to poor track/road maintenance is one of largest contributors to prolonged service loss. If you live in rural NZ this won't come as a surprise especially if you live at the end of an unsealed road as I do. The challenges I see with maintaining access to remote infrastructure are a combination of responsibility and standards. In simple terms we have standards for the strength and weather durability for critical infrastructure but nothing for the access to this infrastructure, and the responsibility for maintaining access to critical infrastructure seems to be missing. As more and more industries and critical services rely on cellular networks to undertake their day to day roles I wonder how we might take a system view of reliability and identify other opportunities for improvement beyond batteries and satellite connectivity which seem to dominate the conversation.
There is an important role and opportunity for DOTs in digital infrastructure investment and management. DOTs understand many facets of a the complex challenge of how to connect portions of our communities that, for a variety of reasons, are under-served. Lumen + DOT is powerful opportunity to join forces and provide thought leadership to closing the digital divide and produce outcomes for communities. #digitalinclusion
Departments of Transportation at the local, state, and federal levels have been tasked with delivering meaningful transportation improvements to the communities they serve. The key to success lies in an unexpected place – upgraded communications technology.? #smartcities #communicationsinfrastructure Lumen Technologies ITS America Events U.S. Department of Transportation
Departments of Transportation Embrace Digital Infrastructure to? Accelerate Community Impact - Government Technology Insider
News Alert: City of Aurora is investing nearly $1.4 million to expand its fiber optics network to additional parts of its water system. This move follows an accelerated fiber expansion that began in 2022. Aurora has been using National Technologies (NTI), a Network Connex Company as its fiber provider since 2018, and according to a memo from city staff, the company "has exceeded expectations" for the city. NTI conducted a fiber optic audit on the city's network, providing extensive knowledge of the infrastructure. The audit information was then added to Esri ArcMap and VETRO, Inc. software, which provides the city with a comprehensive fiber map. This expansion is a significant step towards improved communication infrastructure for the city. #AuroraIL #FiberOptics #CommunicationInfrastructure Read the full article from Government Technology: Richard Irvin Alex G. Alexandrou Chris Minick Tony Martinez Jr Jeff Anderson Mike Baker Rick Danca Chad Peterson Lewis Kessler Brian James, RCDD Jay Jorgensen Amanda Gagliani Borrett Kane County, Illinois Roger Fahnestock Kendall County Meagan Briganti Zach B. Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Matt Schmit Alicia L. Ross, ABD Devon Braunstein Christopher Perlitz Charles Baker OnLight Aurora Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) Illinois Century Network (ICN) Sanjay Gupta Cities Today Institute Island Urban Innovators Global Phil Bertolini Jacqueline White
Forget the linear metropolises and sci-fi smart cities—the big futuristic infrastructure project in the Middle East today is data, and it’s well underway. My latest for Sherwood News looks at the region’s digital infrastructure boom
?? Explore the Latest from EU-LAC ResInfra Plus: Meet the Team and Discover New Initiatives! ?? We’re excited to bring you the latest updates from the EU-LAC ResInfra Plus initiative! In this issue, you’ll find: ?? Meet the Team: Get to know the people who are making things happen in our project. Visit our website to learn more about the faces behind the innovation. ?? Recent Activities: Discover the highlights and successes from our activities over the past months, showcasing the impact of our joint efforts. ?? Partner Initiatives: Learn about the most recent projects and initiatives from our partners that are shaping the future of research infrastructure across Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. ?? Read the Latest Newsletter Here: ?? Stay Informed: Subscribe on the project's website to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox and stay updated on all the latest developments and opportunities. #ResearchInfrastructure #EULACResInfraPlus #Innovation #Collaboration #Research #PartnerInitiatives #Newsletter
Another engaging European Infrastructure Conference, key message for me was the need to significantly ramp up our pipeline beyond the projects we currently have going towards delivery. Without a strong and resilient pipeline we will struggle to gather the resources (people and funding) needed to match the scale and efficiency of delivery needed to resolve our transport issues for the next generations. #EuroInfraConference #WomenInInfrastructure #FutureOfInfrastructure?#InclusiveLeadership?#wearearup
Experience broadband faster by a mix of new innovative technologies like our Diamond micro trenching, digitalization of work processes using our OciusX construction mgmt SaaS and good old engineering and project management practices. #FTTx #FTTP #Broadband #Diamondmicrotrenching #microtrenching #SaaS #Fibernet #OciusX #NextecSystem #Ociusnet
At Ociusnet, we believe that proper planning is the backbone of any successful project. Today, our dedicated team is gearing up in front of the construction site, focusing on the details that make all the difference.??♀??? With a well-laid plan, we ensure that our fiber network installations are efficient, effective, and meet the highest standards. Every blueprint is a step toward bringing communities closer together through seamless connectivity. Together, we're not just building networks; we're building the future! ? #Ociusnet #ExperienceBroadbandFaster #DiamondTrenching #MicroTrenching #Finland #Germany #USA #FTTH #FTTP #SustainableTechnology
We are continuing to recognize all the ways that our digital infrastructure contributes to safer transportation this #InfrastructureWeek. We have numerous resources collected at your fingertips. Have you taken some time to review our Digital Infrastructure Use Cases? Take some time to look at all the highlighted projects that are having tangible impacts on communities across the nation and learn how to submit your project! #ThisisITS #DigitalInfrastructureWeek
?????????????? ?????? Monotch | We Make Traffic Talk ?????????????? ???????????????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???????????? (??????) ???? ?????????????? ?????? ?????????????? ???? ???????? ?????? ?????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ?????????????????? ?????? ?????????? ??????????????????????. The European Commission-funded CSA project, provisionally titled?5????????4????,?seeks to strengthen the European rollout of 5G systems and to push the adoption of multi-access edge computing (MEC) facilities along major transportation routes and within local communities. It incorporates a broad scope of various activities ranging from research and requirements assessment to proof-of-concept testing and piloting to outreach, engagement, and advisory services. Within the framework of the cooperation, Monotch will be responsible for developing mobility use cases for 5G corridors and 5G smart communities while Detecon will be in charge of project coordination, outreach and community management, and the facilitation of the integration of these use cases into the European MEC infrastructure. ?? Find out more: #5G #CEF #MEC #Edgecomputing
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