This is to share with friends from the legal and other communities the publication of a new book on #international_Law and #development. The authors of this book paid an homage to our late friend and colleague #Hervé_Cassan. My contribution My contribution discusses the synergy between international investment law and sustainable development. In the background, it allows us to see how international investment law, which is one of the most important chapters of international development law and international economic law, has evolved with the formulation, adoption and legal consecration of principles of sustainable development. These principles have positively influenced and enriched international development law to help achieve sustainability objectives. In fact, investments could no longer ignore the dimensions of sustainability including those relating to environmental protection, respect for human rights, or the fight against corruption and the promotion of good governance. International investment law has gradually integrated these legal principles. This is no longer disputed in theory and is being reinforced by international jurisprudence which gradually reinterprets many principles of international investment law in light of a sustainable development’s requirements.
Félicitations pour cette nouvelle publication sur un thème d’actualité.
Félicitations Cher Ami, à toi et à toute l'équipe rédactionnelle de cet ouvrage très utile.
Félicitations cher ami.?
Felicitations Abdou - toujours la recherche de l’excellence!!
Félicitations pour la publication de cet ouvrage qui est une mine d'informations et tendre pensée pour notre cher Hervé.