Michigan Veteran Homes的动态

At Michigan Veteran Homes, we've seen too many times the WWII veteran, the Korean War veteran, and others, who've sought care at MVH, and until their admission to a skilled nursing facility, they have never sought or received the benefits they earned in service. Encourage the #veteran in your life to seek out the benefits they earned, and deserve. If they can't do it for themselves, encourage them to do it for those they love and care about. “We have been given one mandate: inform #veterans of the benefits available to them and get them in the door for services,” he told me. “It’s an all-hands-on-deck outreach effort. The first in VA history, and certainly the largest in VA history, to get veterans to come to us.”

Not a scam: VA texting veterans to encourage them to apply for earned benefits

Not a scam: VA texting veterans to encourage them to apply for earned benefits

