How binaural beats work?
Most people live in 2D: Work Sleep Repeat Ascend to 3D: Skill acquisition Wealth building Physical optimization Break the loop. Expand your dimensions.
"In a world where technology is untethered, it's ironic how our lives have become so tightly bound to our devices. This old rotary phone, once fixed in place, symbolizes an era when we were freer in many ways—free from constant notifications, distractions, and the pressure to be always available. As we advance, it's worth reflecting on how we can reclaim some of that freedom, focusing on what truly matters in our personal and professional lives. Let's use technology as a tool, not a tether. #Technology #Balance #Mindfulness #WorkLifeBalance #Productivity"
How light can influence our productivity or work? Light plays a crucial role in our productivity and overall well-being. Here's how: 1. Exposure to natural light increases the release of serotonin in the brain, which can enhance mood and energy levels. This leads to better focus and higher productivity. 2. Adequate lighting reduces eye strain and fatigue, making it easier to concentrate on tasks for longer periods without discomfort. 3. Natural light helps regulate our circadian rhythms, improving sleep quality. A well-rested mind is more productive and efficient during work hours. 4. Proper lighting, especially natural light, can stimulate creativity by creating a pleasant and inspiring work environment. 5. Good lighting reduces errors and enhances performance, particularly in tasks requiring attention to detail. Incorporating the right lighting in your workspace can significantly boost your productivity and work quality. Aim for a mix of natural light during the day and well-placed artificial lighting to maintain optimal conditions throughout your work hours. #light #howlightinfluencespace #spacewithlight #workenvironment #marnotos
REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is plays an important role in memory and learning. It makes up for about 25% of sleep time and is the stage when most dreams occur. Now, researchers are trying to harness this active dream period to achieve communication between two humans while dreaming. Is that at all possible, and if so, what would be the purpose? Bay Area-based REMspace, a company that focuses on lucid dreaming and sleep enhancement, claim that they have twice had “two individuals successfully induced lucid dreams and exchanged a simple message.” In a recent study ‘sleeping’ participants were remotely tracked through a WiFi-enabled specially developed apparatus. They captured polysomnographic data – brain-waves, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, and breathing. When one participant entered a lucid dream state, the controlling server generated a random word and repeated it to him via ‘earbuds’. “Eight minutes later, the second candidate entered a lucid dream, and the server transmitted the stored message to him. Upon waking-up both repeated the same word – technically the first ever “chat” exchanged in dreams. While this nascent technology has miles to go before it becomes an acceptable communication medium, it still brings a new dimension to?communication. #breakthrough #communication #telepathy #dream #REM #technology #wherewillmantakeus
??Do you need to close your eyes when trying to visualise something in order to help get to sleep? Answer....No! Why might that be? Example: when you daydream, do you close you eyes? When you miss your turning whilst driving because you're deep in thought, are your eyes closed? I hope not!! When you are so engrossed in a book and you're imagining the characters, you experience a shift in state as what you're reading elicits a genuine emotion such as happiness or sadness for example. You're eyes are open, yet you can experience a physiological change ie elevated heart rate if what is being read is let's say something gripping and intense. When you miss a stop on the train because you're ruminating or playing a particular scenario in your mind, you're eyes aren't necessarily shut. When anxious and you're typically constructing anticipatory thoughts of something going wrong like messing up a presentation, you're eyes are often open. Visualisation is not a state of eyelids; it's a state of mind. Closing the eyes helps some people to become more internalised and focus their attention by shutting out what's happening externally; however, if when trying to sleep, the room is dark and reasonably quiet, visualisation can be done either with the eyes closed or open.
Ultradian Rhythm! Want to be more productive, read on? Ultradian Rhythm is a reccuring cycle that occurs many times daily in everyone, and affects various physiological and cognitive functions. These usually last around 90-120 minutes and have a huge impact on alertness, focus and energy levels. Understanding your own UR can really help in productivity and energy levels to help prevent burnout. Whilst not an exact science (as differs from person to person) these usually occur mid morning and early afternoon. These are followed by a period known as the ultradian trough, where you experience a period of low frequency activity (or being/feeling unproductive), so when you are feeling low and unproductive, don’t beat yourself up about it…’s science! Distinct from circadian rhythms which people are probably more familiar with, and which occur once per day, Ultradian Rythm is derived from the Latin “Ultra Diem” or “Beyond a day” This can be a game changer for companies to allow the workforce to become more productive, and some studies have shown that allowing short breaks periodically through the day can actually make people more productive. This showed that working in 90 minute cycles with short breaks improved productivity and reduced fatigue. Don’t believe me, look it up and have a read, it’s fascinating. Something I am studying at the moment (so expect more on this!) #readysetgo
Introducing Fibion G2, the newest addition to our research toolkit.? Flexible wear options allow precise physical activity tracking on the thigh and sleep analysis on the chest. #Accelerometry #Sleep
Every Ideas is not your Ideas "Have you ever considered that thinking could be like wifi? Every idea that enters your mind, every innovation that sparks—it's not solely yours. Think about it, my dear. Just as you can't physically see the air, radiation, or sound waves, yet you can feel their presence and hear music, similarly, data travels invisibly through the air, like WiFi. You can't see it, but you can experience its effects. Consider when you're sleeping, meditating, or deeply focused—ideas flow into your mind. I believe it's because you're tapping into a similar frequency, like tuning your brain into an antenna that captures thoughts traveling through the Earth's atmosphere." Even after you're gone, your ideas continue to journey." #Innovation #Ideas #Creativity #Mindfulness #BrainPower #ThoughtLeadership #Inspiration #Frequency #Connection #Meditation #Brainwaves #Networking #Legacy #ThoughtJourney #AntennaMind
Unlock the Power of Your Mind with Binaural Beats! Ever wonder how to supercharge your focus, creativity, or even your sleep? ?? Binaural beats might be the answer! These audio frequencies tap into different brainwave states, helping you achieve various mental goals: Delta (1-4 Hz): Deep sleep & relaxation ?? Theta (4-8 Hz): Meditation & creativity ? Alpha (8-13 Hz): Relaxation & focus ?? Beta (13-30 Hz): Alertness & productivity ?? Gamma (30-100 Hz): Memory & learning ?? With research showing benefits like reduced anxiety and enhanced focus, binaural beats offer a unique, non-invasive way to optimize your brain performance. Best of all, they’re safe to use at moderate volumes. ?? Explore binaural beats here: All 5 Binaural Beats - Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma Waves link: Pure Brainwave Sequence: Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta link: Delta + Theta + Alpha + Beta + Gamma Waves | Binaural Beats link: ?? Have you tried binaural beats before? Drop your experience #Focus #MentalHealth #Productivity #BinauralBeats #Learning #Meditation