Thrilled to have joined the July cohort of SIT (Sitting and Integration Training) with Zendo Project! Psychedelic Harm Reduction is a seminal component of the Psychedelic Assisted Therapy advancements on the horizon. In developing my consulting practice in this field, my goal is to gain expert knowledge across all of its facets. #SITTraining #HarmReduction #PsychedelicScience #PeerSupport
Michele Weitz, MA, RQAP-GCP的动态
Note: This page was cut for reason: Invalid namespace. Content moved to Haiku.Percussive Therapy Creating red links in 0 articles. Abandoning 14 inbound links. You may want to ask in Ask The Tropers about whether it's safe to recreate. Inexact title. See the list below. We don't have an article named Limerick/PercussiveTherapy, exactly. We do have: Haiku/Percussive Therapy Laconic/Percussive Therapy Main/Percussive Therapy PlayingWith/Percussive Therapy Quotes/Percussive Therapy If you meant one of those, just click and go. If you want to start a Limerick/PercussiveTherapy page, just click the edit button above. Be careful, though, the only things that go in the Main namespace are tropes and should be created through the YKTTW system.?
Bobath Introductory Course - Module 1 Completed! ? I’m excited to share that I recently successfully completed Module 1 of the BBTA (British Bobath Tutors Association) Introductory Course. This learning experience has provided me with valuable insights into the application of the Bobath Concept, not only for neurological conditions but also for the broader rehab settings. #BobathConcept #NeurologicalRehabilitation #BBTA
?? BIG ANNOUNCEMENT ?? . TBA is SO excited to announce a Brand New Service ?? - We will now be offering Integration Repair Analysis ?? . If you've been considering Integrating your practice OR need help targeting bottlenecks or repairing your current processes to get you back on the path to being successfully Integrated Click on the LINK Below ???? . . #chiropractor #chirocare #chiropractic #chiropracticcare #chiropracticworks #chiropractors #chiropracticlifestyle #chiropractichealth #familychiropractic #chirolife #practicemanagement #doctor #doctorofchiropractic #chiropracticrocks #chiropractors #goals #motivation
Whenever you’re feeling down, always remember that tough times don’t last. You got this, future doc! We’re rooting for you. ???? Visit today to learn more about our program! ?? #NMAT2024 #NMATPhilippines #NMATReadyReviews #NMATMotivation #NMATReview #NMATSuccess #NMATPreparation #FutureDoctor #MedicalAspirant #MedicalSchoolJourney #StudyModeON #RiseMDReviews #NMATPrep #RiseMDReviews
Do you know which specialist manages the lungs? Take the quiz with CapYear instructor Kristen! ?? Leave your answer in the comments below and send it to a fellow pre-health student?? #capyear #medicaltrivia #lungs #lungsspecialist #medicalquiz #futuredr #futuremd
Congratulations to Sara Secada-Lovio who is now a Certified Brainspotter! Sara has long been using Brainspotting in her work, but she can now officially call herself a Certified Brainspotter!! In case you’re not sure what that means, Certification shows that someone has completed Phases 1 and 2 of Brainspotting Training, at least 50 hours of Brainspotting sessions, and 6 hours of Brainspotting Consultation. . . #brainspotting #brainspotter #certifiedbrainspotter #marylandbrainspotter #brainspot #brainspottingtraining #baltimorebrainspotting #brainspottingtherapy
Unlock your child’s full potential with TherapEase PH’s guide to nurturing school readiness! ??? Click below to read the full blog.
?? The recording of our last #Educational #webinar with Dr. Karolien Bijnens and Martijn Heleven on #planarians as an alternative in vivo model to assess developmental, neuro- ?? and genotoxicity ?? is now available! Check it out now via Stay tuned, our next webinar is coming soon ?? #NAMs #3Rs #alternativeinvivo #knowledgesharing
6th RE-Place Educational Webinar - Planarians as an alternative in vivo model
What made Benjamin Sibley join PRP Now after just one class? Ben mentioned my approachable teaching style and the support for tough cases, but there’s more to the story... Check out the full video to see why he recommend it—and why it could be a great fit for you! Thinking about whether PRP could be right for you? Drop a "YES" below, and I’ll get in touch to help you explore your options! #PRPNow #PRPTherapy #drarianademers
?? We are delighted to share COSRT’s new strategy – Good Therapy for All! This new strategy builds on COSRT’s unparalleled 48-year history, pioneering the development of Psychosexual and Relationship Therapies in the UK and beyond. COSRT’s work now focuses on three main pillars: ?? Setting and maintaining professional standards ?? Providing and overseeing high-quality training ?? Promoting research and knowledge creation Looking to the future, the strategy outlines COSRT’s direction for the next five years, with five key priorities: 1?? Increasing awareness of specialist therapies 2?? Enhancing the impact of evidence 3?? Spreading professional standards 4?? Improving professional training 5?? Reinforcing COSRT’s position Download the full strategy document to explore our vision for COSRT’s future: For questions about the strategy or COSRT’s work, please reach out to John Dodd, Chief Executive Officer, at [email protected]. #GoodTherapyForAll #COSRT #PsychosexualTherapy #RelationshipTherapy #ProfessionalStandards #TherapyTraining #MentalHealth #COSRTStrategy #TherapyExcellence