DAILY LIFT-UP for Wednesday, November 13, 2024: *Daily Bible Reading* Titus 3:1-7, reminding us to be obedient to authorities, ready to do good, and peaceful. *Prayer Points* - Pray for guidance and wisdom in your daily life. - Ask God to help you show kindness and compassion to those around you. - Reflect on your relationship with God and seek to deepen your faith. - Major God's righteousness over money. *Inspiration* Remember, God doesn't punish us. We are saved by His faithful love through Jesus Christ. *Benediction* May today's reading bring you encouragement and hope. VIA: Michael Ekperikpe (MSN) READ AND REAP BIBLE ENTERPRISES www.readandreap.org P/S: -Any issues to commit to God in prayer? -Any seemingly difficult Scripture(s)? Feel free to share with me. Remember, 'Iron sharpens iron'. (Prov. 27:17)
Michael Ekperikpe的动态
YES Beloved, NOWADAYS, MOST of the World, Even Christians are, NOT HAPPY to HEAR about GOD/JESUS Or HIS GOODNESS (Romans 5:6, 8, 6:23, 10:9). MANY of us are NOT KEEN in Our DAILY: PRAYINGS, BIBLE Readings, OBEYING GOD/JESUS/BIBLE! (Jer 33 3). SOME of us, STOPPED Going to CHURCH and having Holy Fellowships and FEW of us have Started their Own Church and Living the way they want! (Proverbs 14:12) But FYI, NONE of our BEHAVIOR Whether GOOD Or BAD, can UNDO what GOD/BIBLE Warned/Promised! (Matthew 5:18). Remember NONE of Our BEHAVIOR will make GOD'S JUDGEMENT & HELL, DISAPPEAR Or (Hebrews 9:27), (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) HEAVEN & GOD'S PROMISES go NULL & VOID! (Matthew 5:19), (Galatians 6:7-8). 1. [Matthew 5:18-19] 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. 19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 2. [James 1:22] But Be YE DOERS of the WORD, and NOT HEARERS only, DECEIVING your OWN SELVES. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share. #MostOfUsAreNotHappyToHearAboutGOD #DevilsDesireIsWeRemainBIBLEignorant #TheMoreYouObeyBIBLEmoreYouAchieve #RejectingBIBLEisTheWorstThingOneCan #KnowingBIBLEisKnowingGODsoBeKEEN #JESUSdiedForUsBecauseHElovesYOUtoo #KeepDoingGOODtoALLuntilYouBREATHE
The time is now. The Lord left all the answers to all our troubles, and the answers are in Bible Doctrine not in the human way. In our spiritual life (individual soul life) for once we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we must have positive volition towards Bible Doctrine (willing to sit and actually listen). There’s a plan for all of us. Short term: is to listen to our pastor teacher, to learn, and not let life or what ever is going on (no interruption) interfere with our understanding of doctrine being taught. Then we should metabolize and use what we learn in our life here on earth. We must be willing to prioritize the word of God that is alive and powerful sharper than any two edged sword. Only if we choose to respond to it by willingly making the word of God priority number one. *Learning is free and no one can take it away from you. https://lnkd.in/gaQpvV6h
BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7 (HCSB) https://lnkd.in/ehPFXj9
In Summary,
YES Beloved, BIBLE has ONLY: ONE Hero: JESUS! (Romans 5:6) ONE VILLAIN: DEVIL! (John 8:44, 10:10) ONE THEME: SALVATION! (John 3:16). ONE PURPOSE: to let EVERY MAN KNOW who GOD is! (John 8:32). BIBLE Must be the MOST WORN out item in EVERY CHRISTIAN HOME! (Joshua 1:8), (Psalms 1:1:3), (Jeremiah 33:3), (John 1:1). Once DEAD, EVERYONE will KNOW for themselves, that, BIBLE was NOT a Story book; but, was LIVING GOD & HIS WORD! (John 1:1). BIBLE has Priceless INFORMATION, Required to ENJOY, LIFE After DEATH Or ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN! (John 3:16, 8:32,14:6), (Romans 6:23,10:9) So Obey BIBLE! We DON'T Need BIBLE in Heaven, but we CAN'T go there, without OBEYING it Now, on Earth! (Romans 6:23,10:9), (James 1:22). 1. [John 3:16] For GOD so LOVED the World, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON (JESUS), that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in HIM should NOT PERISH, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. 2. [Romans 5:6].. when WE were yet WITHOUT Strength, in due TIME CHRIST (JESUS) DIED for the UNGODLY. (You, me & for ALL MANKIND). 3. [John 10:10] The thief (DEVIL) cometh not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY: I (JESUS) am come that they might have LIFE, and that they might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share. #BIBLEhasOnlyOneHEROthatIsJESUS #BIBLEhasOnlyOneVILLAINthatIsDEVIL #BIBLEhasOnlyOneThemeSALVATION #BIBLEhasOnePurposeWeMustKnowGOD #BIBLEhasInformationForOurETERNALlife #LOVEyourNEIGHBOURtellThemTheTruth #KeepDoingGOODtoALLuntilYouBREATHE
YES Beloved, BIBLE has ONLY: ONE Hero: JESUS! (Romans 5:6) ONE VILLAIN: DEVIL! (John 8:44, 10:10) ONE THEME: SALVATION! (John 3:16). ONE PURPOSE: to let EVERY MAN KNOW who GOD is! (John 8:32). BIBLE Must be the MOST WORN out item in EVERY CHRISTIAN HOME! (Joshua 1:8), (Psalms 1:1:3), (Jeremiah 33:3), (John 1:1). Once DEAD, EVERYONE will KNOW for themselves, that, BIBLE was NOT a Story book; but, was LIVING GOD & HIS WORD! (John 1:1). BIBLE has Priceless INFORMATION, Required to ENJOY, LIFE After DEATH Or ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN! (John 3:16, 8:32,14:6), (Romans 6:23,10:9) So Obey BIBLE! We DON'T Need BIBLE in Heaven, but we CAN'T go there, without OBEYING it Now, on Earth! (Romans 6:23,10:9), (James 1:22). 1. [John 3:16] For GOD so LOVED the World, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON (JESUS), that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES in HIM should NOT PERISH, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. 2. [Romans 5:6].. when WE were yet WITHOUT Strength, in due TIME CHRIST (JESUS) DIED for the UNGODLY. (You, me & for ALL MANKIND). 3. [John 10:10] The thief (DEVIL) cometh not, but for to STEAL, and to KILL, and to DESTROY: I (JESUS) am come that they might have LIFE, and that they might have it MORE ABUNDANTLY. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share. #BIBLEhasOnlyOneHEROthatIsJESUS #BIBLEhasOnlyOneVILLAINthatIsDEVIL #BIBLEhasOnlyOneThemeSALVATION #BIBLEhasOnePurposeWeMustKnowGOD #BIBLEhasInformationForOurETERNALlife #LOVEyourNEIGHBOURtellThemTheTruth #KeepDoingGOODtoALLuntilYouBREATHE
The Life & Ministry of Jesus Christ Free online Bible course https://lnkd.in/eiF9XbPx This course is currently in progress, but you can join anytime and do the lessons at your own pace. New lessons will be added weekly. Get to know Jesus more as we look at His life and the Biblical revelation of who He is and how this applies to me today. Whether you’re a new Christian, have been walking with the Lord for many years or simply want to know more about who Jesus is, this course will give you an abundance of Biblical truth.
BIBLE VERSE OF THE DAY The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and discipline. Proverbs 1:7 (HCSB) https://lnkd.in/ezXjmRR7
From Messiah YESHUA, Jesus Christ! Receive eternal redemption and salvation from hell! ● Hebrews 9:12 [KJV] Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. ■ Matthew 6:33 [KJV] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 1. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness =to Be Saved from the HELL because of your SINS =to Be Born Again of water and the Spirit! 2. ; and all these things shall be added unto you. = The rest = All things except Your Salvation from the Hell Two Bible seminars preaching the contents of these books will help you check and confirm your salvation. I highly recommend you take a look at this Bible seminar! #???????? #BIBLESEMINAR ●BIBLESEMINAR_to_be_Born_Again_of_water_and_the_Spirit(theHolySpirit),And_Be_Saved! ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Hong(???p) https://lnkd.in/gbafX4p ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Choi(???p) https://lnkd.in/gNdKaTga https://lnkd.in/gWfdqWRr If you give me your email address, I will send PDF files of these 4 books to your email address. These 4 books for you is free! If you want to read these 4 books, Your email address, please
From Messiah YESHUA, Jesus Christ! Receive eternal redemption and salvation from hell! ● Hebrews 9:12 [KJV] Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. ■ Matthew 6:33 [KJV] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 1. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness =to Be Saved from the HELL because of your SINS =to Be Born Again of water and the Spirit! 2. ; and all these things shall be added unto you. = The rest = All things except Your Salvation from the Hell Two Bible seminars preaching the contents of these books will help you check and confirm your salvation. I highly recommend you take a look at this Bible seminar! #???????? #BIBLESEMINAR ●BIBLESEMINAR_to_be_Born_Again_of_water_and_the_Spirit(theHolySpirit),And_Be_Saved! ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Hong(???p) https://lnkd.in/gbafX4p ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Choi(???p) https://lnkd.in/gNdKaTga https://lnkd.in/gWfdqWRr If you give me your email address, I will send PDF files of these 4 books to your email address. These 4 books for you is free! If you want to read these 4 books, Your email address, please
From Messiah YESHUA, Jesus Christ! Receive eternal redemption and salvation from hell! ● Hebrews 9:12 [KJV] Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. ■ Matthew 6:33 [KJV] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 1. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness =to Be Saved from the HELL because of your SINS =to Be Born Again of water and the Spirit! 2. ; and all these things shall be added unto you. = The rest = All things except Your Salvation from the Hell Two Bible seminars preaching the contents of these books will help you check and confirm your salvation. I highly recommend you take a look at this Bible seminar! #???????? #BIBLESEMINAR ●BIBLESEMINAR_to_be_Born_Again_of_water_and_the_Spirit(theHolySpirit),And_Be_Saved! ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Hong(???p) https://lnkd.in/gbafX4p ● [????/????] Bible Seminar(?????) - Pastor Choi(???p) https://lnkd.in/gNdKaTga https://lnkd.in/gWfdqWRr If you give me your email address, I will send PDF files of these 4 books to your email address. These 4 books for you is free! If you want to read these 4 books, Your email address, please