This week marks Meticulous Image's birthday! ?? Four years ago, Austin Hines and Dan Maitland embarked on a journey ?? to deliver high-caliber video production ?? to diverse businesses across the United States, and now years later the WORLD. Here we stand, resilient through pandemics and more, with hundreds of clients and a portfolio brimming with commercial videos for some of the biggest and coolest brands. We'd love to shout out to each one, but that would make for an absurdly long and tedious post—plus, we can't play favorites because we cherish all our clients equally. Those with at least four years of business experience might chuckle at that last statement. Regardless, let's not overthink it. Instead, enjoy the very first promo we ever created for our earnest media production venture. ?? #MeticulousImageTurnsFour #VideoProductionPros #BusinessBranding #MediaProductionMilestones #CreativeJourney #ClientAppreciation #IndustryResilience #BrandingEvolution #VisualStorytelling #HappyBirthdayMeticulousImage #InnovativeContentCreation