[Sent with Free Plan] ???????? ?? this is a description ???????????????? ??????: 1. p1 2. p2 3. p3 ???????????? ?????????????????? ??????: 1. Gender female from age 19 to 20 2. Gender male from age 19 to 28
Instruction: You just need to input your name and click on Predict Gender. The system will find age, gender and location for you based on your name. Predict-Gender Project: https://lnkd.in/ekvD3fks #day3 #project30 #day29 #40daysofTS
[Sent with Free Plan] ?????????? ?????????? this is a demo description ???????????????? ??????: 1. p1 2. p2 ???????????? ?????????????????? ??????: 1. Gender both from age 19 to 23
Unpacking the Boy Child's Gender Dynamics: Society's Evolving Perceptions and Expectations. This video delves into the complexities of how society views and assigns roles to boys, highlighting the changes and challenges that have occurred over time. #typ #elizabethan #rescuetheboys #boys #men #trending #001 #today #mensmentalhealth
???????? ????????????, ???????????? ???? ???????????? ?????? ?????????????????? ???? ?? ?????? ???????????? ?? ?????????????????????? ??????????????: ? Why are you divorced? ? How come you don't have kids at your age? ? Are you planning to get pregnant? ? Do you have kids?? If the answer is no: you go back to question 2 ? Women are judged by their familiar situation, their abilities, and even their gender identity. For everything. All the time. Things are changing but we need to keep working. To all the women in this social media: ??????'?? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ???????????? ??????. ?????????? ?????????????????????????? ??????????'?? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????????! #iwd #internationalwomensday #internationalwomensday2024 #inspireinclusion #transwomenarewomen
5 tips for improving diversity on your board - Number 1 Set Clear Diversity Goals Be intentional about your board’s diversity. Set measurable targets for gender, ethnicity, age, or professional background, and hold your board accountable to meeting them. Having clear goals will help to guide recruitment efforts.
Curious how a therapist is tackling some of these big questions with their kid clients? ?????? Here are a few books that our therapists recommend for talking about self-acceptance, all kinds of families, and gender identity PLUS some discussion questions in the last slide to open the convo up! #booktok #bookrecs #pridemonth2024
Curious how a therapist is tackling some of these big questions with their kid clients? ?????? Here are a few books that our therapists recommend for talking about self-acceptance, all kinds of families, and gender identity PLUS some discussion questions in the last slide to open the convo up! #booktok #bookrecs #pridemonth2024
Curious how a therapist is tackling some of these big questions with their kid clients? ?????? Here are a few books that our therapists recommend for talking about self-acceptance, all kinds of families, and gender identity PLUS some discussion questions in the last slide to open the convo up! #booktok #bookrecs #pridemonth2024
Curious how a therapist is tackling some of these big questions with their kid clients? ?????? Here are a few books that our therapists recommend for talking about self-acceptance, all kinds of families, and gender identity PLUS some discussion questions in the last slide to open the convo up! #booktok #bookrecs #pridemonth2024