“The killing of first responders in #Lebanon is a heartbreaking violation, not just of international law, but of basic humanity.” – MedGlobal's Dr. Tania Baban. Over 200 healthcare workers have been killed & dozens of hospitals damaged in Lebanon in attacks violating international humanitarian law, according to the Lebanese government. MedGlobal calls for immediate international action to protect healthcare workers & facilities. Read more: https://ow.ly/2RKG50Uc0wB
To stand on the side of humanity, in any situation where might is thought to be right, can sadly be incredibly counter-cultural. It requires the courage to challenge assumptions, established bias, the capacity to be outreaching to name a few. However, the recent State of the Heart report issued by Six Seconds reveals a continued downward trend in awareness and practice of the Competencies of Emotional Intelligence - the 'how to' when dealing with people. Locally and globally we are challenged to know and lean into our values, so that we can pursue our personal purpose with passion. And, in giving of our best selves, then the outcome MUST be a far safer and just world that reinvigorates hope, resilience and confidence that vivifies and inspires others. #emotionalintelligence #eq #interculturalcompetency
Dr Christos Christou, president of the humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) International, also known as Doctors Without Borders, addressed the National Press Club on "the state of humanitarianism". He said the principles of war, under which hospitals and healthcare are protected by international humanitarian law, are “becoming meaningless” in Gaza. Within hours of the address, a second tent camp near Rafah was struck, killing more than 21 and injuring more than 60. Read more ?? https://ab.co/4aWEJyV Stay in the know with the ABC NEWS App ?? https://ab.co/abcnewsapp
Please read ,they are seeing the truth.. the horrible truth..,
As humanitarians we are appalled by the escalation of violence that we have seen over the last 12 months. We’ve witnessed patients dying on hospital floors, as facilities are overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of those needing care and unable to access basic supplies. We’ve seen international humanitarian law disregarded time after time as healthcare facilities, aid workers, and our own colleagues have been endangered and killed. We've run out of words. Except two: #CeasefireNow https://lnkd.in/geA_85dB
?? The situation in #Gaza is increasingly dire.? ? Civilians are facing relentless attacks, and hospitals are being targeted, leaving those in need without crucial medical care. Access to essential aid and life-saving supplies is severely restricted, putting countless lives at risk. ? The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is urgently calling for an immediate end to the assault on civilians and those who are trying to provide vital assistance.? ? It is crucial that all parties respect international humanitarian law and prioritize the safety and well-being of the people affected by this conflict. ? Read the full statement here ? https://bit.ly/4fvTYkV
?? The situation in #Gaza is increasingly dire.? ? Civilians are facing relentless attacks, and hospitals are being targeted, leaving those in need without crucial medical care. Access to essential aid and life-saving supplies is severely restricted, putting countless lives at risk. ? The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is urgently calling for an immediate end to the assault on civilians and those who are trying to provide vital assistance.? ? It is crucial that all parties respect international humanitarian law and prioritize the safety and well-being of the people affected by this conflict. ? Read the full statement here ? https://bit.ly/4fvTYkV
?? The situation in #Gaza is increasingly dire.? ? Civilians are facing relentless attacks, and hospitals are being targeted, leaving those in need without crucial medical care. Access to essential aid and life-saving supplies is severely restricted, putting countless lives at risk. ? The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is urgently calling for an immediate end to the assault on civilians and those who are trying to provide vital assistance.? ? It is crucial that all parties respect international humanitarian law and prioritize the safety and well-being of the people affected by this conflict. ? Read the full statement here ? https://bit.ly/4fvTYkV
Egypt Condemns Targeting of Saudi Hospital in Sudan’s El-Fasher City -------------- The Arab Republic of Egypt condemns the targeting of the Saudi hospital in the city of El-Fasher, North Darfur State, which resulted in the death of a large number of innocent civilians who had sought medical services at the hospital. Egypt strongly deplores the targeting of civilian infrastructure, public facilities, and healthcare establishments that play a vital role in providing essential services to civilians in brotherly Sudan. This act constitutes a blatant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, which guarantee their protection. Egypt reiterates its call for the necessity of halting the escalation in El-Fasher, as its continuation leads to more innocent and unarmed casualties. Egypt extends its condolences to the brotherly Sudanese people and the families of the victims.
Australia is deeply concerned by increasing incidents of violence affecting humanitarian workers around the world. ? This #WorldHumanitarianDay, we call for adherence to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and for safe, unimpeded access for humanitarian workers and supplies. ? When IHL is adhered to, civilian lives are saved, and human dignity is protected. ? We reaffirm Australia’s commitment to IHL because we value what it seeks to protect – our common #humanity.
The rules of war protect people in conflict by setting limits on how wars are fought. The 1949 Geneva Conventions draw clear lines between those who are fighting in wars and those who are not.?? Under international humanitarian law, the wounded and sick must be respected, protected, and cared for. Healthcare workers, medical equipment and medical supplies must be able to reach them and treat them safely.? International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC explains the five things you need to know about the rules of war.?? Learn more about international humanitarian law:? https://lnkd.in/g_yGp8dK? Video description: this video explains five key aspects of international humanitarian law. #RedCross #NZRedCross #RedCrescent #ICRC #RulesOfWar #IHL #GenevaConventions
Our president speaking in the Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union : "When we see whole cities reduced to rubble; entire medical systems collapsing; children dying from starvation while humanitarian aid is blocked at checkpoints or borders; or families crippled by the uncertainty of not knowing the fate of their missing loved ones, instead of lamenting, let us remember what the root cause is. The root cause is the flagrant disregard for preserving the spirit within the law of armed conflict, which is to minimise civilian harm. (...) Tides turn. While today IHL may be applicable to a distant population, tomorrow you may look to it. Yet again and again we see the world stand by and allow the dehumanization of entire populations. Worse, sometimes affirming that, while the suffering is deplorable, there are no violations. If we continue to leave the disregard of IHL unaddressed, trust me when I say, this law, that has until now survived the test of time and saved countless lives, will not continue to protect in the future. If we kill this universally accepted body of law by looking the other way, there is nothing that can replace it. As representatives of your populations, it is your duty to stand for IHL, to stand for all victims of conflict and to ensure that the law can continue to protect in the future. I urge you to call out abuses of the law where you see it. If it feels wrong, then it is wrong.
Attacks harming humanitarians have become common and can be a violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL). In 2023, 280 humanitarians were killed, most of them were national staff working to help their own communities. So far this year, more than 170 humanitarians have been killed. At least another 150 have been injured or abducted. These facts lay bare a glaring truth: the world is failing humanitarian workers and, by extension, the people they serve. This World Humanitarian Day, we demand an end to these violations. It is time for those in power to end impunity and #ActForHumanity
Tamara Alrifai, The Guardian & UNRWA, why haven't you asked Egypt to allow innocent Gazan civilians to temporarily cross the Egyptian border? If there were no innocent Gazan civilians in Gaza, there could be no innocent Gazan civilian casualties. International Humanitarian Law requires countries to allow innocent civilians to flee a combat area across the nearest non-combatant border. So why haven't you asked Egypt to allow innocent Gazan civilians to temporarily cross the Egyptian border? We know that the terrorists and oligarchs are allowed to cross the Egyptian border whenever they want, either through the tunnels, or with bribes. Why are the vulnerable required to stay in Gaza? If they were in Egypt, nobody could interfere with any Humanitarian Aid. It seems that this is a problem you could have and should have taken care of long ago. Why didn't you? Hey, Guardian reporters, why haven't you asked this question repeatedly?
“At the end of the day it’s about the volume of aid that comes in & whether it’s sufficient to feed, support, and give medical services to over 2 million people. The answer is no, it is very much insufficient,” UNRWA Director of External Relations and Communications Tamara Alrifai to The Guardian about #Gaza. https://lnkd.in/dBH7dgfF