Let's decode! One of the most vital transformations of your elevation is understanding the etymology of words! In simplest terms, "whatcha talkin' bout Willis"! In this excerpt, faith is the theme in which one excels beyond its belief. Let's start with the word Faith. You recognize it as trust or confidence in something or someone. Faith is the parable for the word face, i.e., facing itself. Who are you having your trust and confidence in? It is you!!! Now, let's take a look into a couple of the sentences. "You don't know anybody."... is the duality of knowing. Faith, i.e., facing itself, presents the polarity of knowing itself. Hence, you don't know anybody, i.e., it is fully aware of itself. Read it again! "God is about to use you to take your family out of the circumstances..." Here, we get into the polarity of one's view of itself. How? In simpler terms, how does one exist without itself? The word, i.e., world, is depicted as the images, i.e., I am. In essence, it is your view of you that rules the world, i.e., word. Read it again!