Shout out to our friend Cleetus McFarland Ent. a.k.a Garrett for using his newly renovated MD500 to help disaster rescue efforts in the southeast. Helicopters work critical missions and are sometimes the only way to reach those in need. Link below if your helo can help too. Check out this episode from Garrett on his heroic efforts. Thank you Garrett and everyone helping out!
Taking Our Helicopter Into North Carolina's Disaster
I’ve been watching how garrets training and the rebuild of his helicopter has been going, putting it to such good use was really inspiring…exactly what helicopters were invented for. Also I believe other helicopter pilots are helping out as well.
This MD 500 is a perfect machine for tight areas were precise flying and required. No other helicopter will do this like the heat the MD 500. The helicopter is one of the most sensitive on the cyclic you think about it and the helicopter response. Is amazing more precise than the jet Ranger..
I watched the video last night and was impressed by the capabilities of this airframe especially in tight LZ.
I think that might be the nicest helicopter I’ve ever seen!
WOW! It is so wonderful to be able to help so many. MD500 made that possible! Loved seeing the military & civilian cooperation. Thanks for sharing.
Nice work man!