As a Scheduler in commercial construction I get to bounce to a different project every day - super fun! Some schedulers get the luxury of being on one project all day every day (if that project has lots and lots of ??), so they know exactly what is happening. I, like many, rely on the field teams to provide updates of what is happening while I can't be onsite. I have one relatively large project with 5 Superintendents right now. I love that team, we laugh often and they are doing a great job - BUT - our schedule updates take fooooorever. ????
We've tried having them all go into Bluebeam to put their notes on one PDF, but that didn't work for them well enough - so I'm stuck getting 5 different PDFs with notes and stitching them all together. I usually snapshot things I have questions on, put that all on one PDF of my own making, and go into the schedule update meeting and we start off by resolving those things. (even with putting in notes beforehand, for two hours, we still meet for 3-4 more hours!)
This leads me to something I'm pretty excited about with Stride Schedule. After they all submit their notes (which Stride aggregates together) I, the scheduler, will be able to filter by only things with notes, or that they didn't update, and have a quick list to review. No more looking over 5 PDFs, no more making snapshots of my questions to take into the meeting.
This is one of many, but what other features would help your schedule updates be faster?
#Scheduler #Superintendent #Construction #PrimaveraP6