Popular satirical website The Onion has taken a humorous shot at #ayahuasca. #lol #shotsfired https://lnkd.in/eaVe3C3z
Matter Academy的动态
Vastu Tips: According to Vastu Shastra, there should never be a pigeon's nest in the house, otherwise you will have to face these problems #against #pigeon #Pigeonlayingeggsinthehouse #vastutipsinhindi #WelcomeTip
Vastu Tips: According to Vastu Shastra, there should never be a pigeon's nest in the house, otherwise you will have to face these problems - News8Plus-Realtime Updates On Breaking News & Headlines
Debunking the Tabula Rasa: The Innate Program of Human Psyche https://lnkd.in/eBCVXBCw Excerpt from FAQ related to and about the Catalog of Human Population - https://lnkd.in/e5c_5WcF #tabularasa #innate #psyche #blankslate #manipulation #momentofbirth #manipulationmodes #management #control #subtype #mythbusters #natural #howtomanipulate #catalogofhumanpopulation #manipulators
Debunking the Tabula Rasa: The Innate Program of Human Psyche
Exploring the mystical world of psilocybin mushrooms: separating fact from fiction. Dive into the complexities of spiritual and emotional claims surrounding these powerful fungi. Uncover the truth behind the temporary nature of spiritual experiences and the cautious optimism regarding emotional well-being. Let's navigate the uncharted waters of psilocybin research together. #Psilocybin #Mushrooms #SpiritualExperiences #EmotionalWellBeing #Research #Fungi #Facts #Myths #Truth #Optimism #Complexities #Navigate #UnchartedWaters #Psychedelics #MindExpansion #Consciousness #Entheogens #Healing #Therapeutic #Exploration #Discovery #PsychedelicResearch #Science #PsychedelicCommunity #Insight #Awareness #Psychoactive #PlantMedicine #Wisdom
Psilocybin mushrooms have no spiritual or emotional benefits
Spiritual PhytoEssencing features the use of two types of essential oil blends: constitutional and situational. The constitutional blend is referred to as the "custom blend," because it is customized to reflect the unique inner soul nature of one particular individual. This is Part 1 of a series of articles I'm presenting regarding the art of preparing essential oil blends for the purpose of deep soul-level healing, which is devoted to the rationale underlying the customized constitutional blend and the methodology used to create them. Read Article: https://lnkd.in/d2S4Eh24 #aromatherapy #essentialoilblending #holistichealth #spiritualhealing
How To Identify If Your Amethyst Is Real Or Fake? Amethyst is a beautiful stone with many healing properties, but like all other gemstones, it will become energetically discharged over time. Cleansing your crystal is a necessary step in maintaining its energy and ensuring that it continues to provide you with its benefits. So here are some ways to cleanse your amethyst. Visit Us:-? https://lnkd.in/ddN9_nhw
A central feature of Lurianic Kabbalism (the Kabbalistic system based upon the teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria, a great 16th century Kabbalist) is the concept of tsimtsum (Hebrew for concealment or contraction): God’s withdrawal from the central point of the universe, which resulted in a vacated space in which finite Creation could unfold. Read this article to learn more about The Kabbalah and the Theme of Separation in context of Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE). The identification of an individual’s prominent miasmatic influences helps in differential diagnosis regarding essential oil selection. Reducing the impact of the Separation Miasm upon an individual’s psychospiritual operations, may exert a highly beneficial impact. Read article by Dr. Berkowsky: https://lnkd.in/dhuFXhfV #kabbalahwisdom #aromatherapy #tsimtsum
Regular drug use – from caffeine to psychedelics – has become a fundamental part of modern life. A first-person Guardian US series explores America’s shifting relationship with mind-altering substances. There are plenty of fanciful, far-out theories of how the whole of civilization emerged from drug use – like the theory that the consumption of proto-LSD in ancient Greek cults catalyzed modern philosophy; or the theory that various religious traditions have their roots in revelations occasioned by the body processing stores of endogenous DMT; or the theory that the evolution of Homo erectus into Homo sapiens, and the corresponding emergence of consciousness as a phenomenon, was driven, some hundred thousand years ago, by the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms... ? Read the full article ? https://lnkd.in/eGx9fSFY #Hemp #Cannabis #News
Signs and symptoms of Suicidal tendencies are clearly reflected in the palms. The great science of Palmistry reveals the secrets of suicides and criminal activities to the self and to the others through the lines of the palms. Intelligent people keep full trust on the science of the signs, symptoms and lines and get the hands examined properly. Through this way, they not only make their lives entirely safe and sound, but also make their lives beautiful and worth living. Amar Sri Spiritualist, Palmist and Numerologist.
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The bizarre life of Phineas Gage ? #mindinhealing #psychologicalvideo #psychologicalcasestudy #thestoryofreselience #phineasgage #traumaticbraininjury #comingoutstrong #mentalhealthawareness #casestudy