Elizabeth Martinson is radiating confidence in her new below knee Socket-less Socket?! In her previous traditional socket, she was uncomfortable, unsteady, and wearing 8 to 13 ply socks to accommodate for volume fluctuation. Now, with her adjustable straps, socks are no longer necessary! She is looking forward to getting back to work running her campground site in Canada in a socket that she can trust. #amputee #martinbionics #socketlesssocket #prosthetics #adjustablesocket
Martin Bionics的动态
The single kettlebell deadlift with one hand, outside the legs, also known as the suitcase deadlift, teaches you to lift an asymmetrical load while keeping your spine, hips, and pelvis centered. Learn more: https://amzn.to/3scPT1O #deadlift #kettlebell #suitcase Human Kinetics
Wheelchair Wheel Covers ?? Colour My Wheels ?? Inclusion, Visibility ?? Breaking Down Barriers ?? Ice Breakers ?? Conversation Starters ?? Bringing Colour, Fun and Joy
Question: how do the wheel covers attach to my wheelchair wheels? Answer: with 4 Velcro straps, directly on to the spokes. Super easy to attach and to remove! https://lnkd.in/gwc68jvR
There can be many mobilisation techniques when it comes to self mobility for Adhesive Capsulitis/Frozen shoulder. All you need is a wand to mobilise that stiff shoulder. #adhesivecapsulitis #frozenshoulder #frozenshouldertreatment #frozenshoulderexercise #shouldermobility #mobility #mobilitytraining #mobilityexercises
Corrected misprint version of the paper "Stress concentration factors for shoulder fillets in round and flat bars under various loads" https://lnkd.in/g-N7zQnq This correction is related to the following corrections. https://lnkd.in/gKeXBejV https://lnkd.in/gfMWCdfm
Grip putty is a malleable substance similar to clay or putty that can be squeezed, stretched, or molded to exercise the muscles in your hands and fingers. Also known as hand therapy putty, it is commonly used as a tool to improve hand strength and dexterity. https://buff.ly/3MhFgjB #HandExercises #SafetyFirst #PreShiftStretching
Proper Shoulder blade motion is essential when trying to resolve any issues with trap/shoulder tightness. Use this movement to assess and treat your tightness and see how it compares side to side. Try this exercise for 2 sets of 8-10 reps. Make sure to inhale through your nose and exhale out of your mouth while maintaining proper rib cage and pelvic position. #physicaltherapy #shoulderpain #traptightness #exercisetherapy
Helping professionals to learn the basics of Salesforce Einstein Analytics to land up in a reputable job or project | Trained over 30+ professionals in Salesforce CRMA | Fitness Enthusiast | Vedic Astrology Practitioner
???????????????? ???????? :- Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension ???????????????? ???? ???????????????? ???????????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? :- The main function of the triceps is to extend the elbow, moving the forearm away from the upper arm. The overhead tricep extension trains this movement in an overhead position, targeting all heads of the tricep with a particular focus on the long head, and helping to strengthen shoulder stability. ???????????? ???????????????? :- There are 3 heads to the triceps: the medial, lateral, and long heads. During overhead tricep presses, the long head tends to be most active during the entire movement. ???????????? :- 17.5 k.g. ???????? :- 12 #Workout #Tricep
A Leader & Strategist specializing in Entrepreneurial Skills I Sales & Mktg.l Operations Mgt. I Administration I Business Dev. I Ownership & Decision I Branding I Cross Functional Leadership I Customer Success
knee sleeves with straps are designed to have a patella strap, which specifically targets the kneecap for additional support and proper alignment. #StrapAndSupport #KneeStability #KneeHealth #KneeSleeve
Revolutionizing the Dynamic Footrest Traditional #wheelchair footrests are designed to provide postural support and stability as well as distribute weight bearing during sitting. When subjected to significant forces, the footplates may move out of alignment or the footrest assembly may be damaged. Dynamic Footrests move in response to client movement and force. As the client moves, the Dynamic Footrests absorb and diffuse forces, protecting the client from injury, preventing equipment damage, and providing numerous therapeutic benefits. https://ow.ly/6rxs50QCplF