The global print world has been disrupted and changed over the last years from Ukraine by our wonderful and great team over there. Their spirit, motivation, and drive to win this crazy and inhuman war are unbeatable. We are with them, and so is the whole (print) world. Thanks to everyone for the support messages and offers to help. The attempt from the Russians to divide the world makes us more united than ever before!
Since last Thursday the world has been facing senseless aggression and military operations caused by Russia. The future and dreams of millions of innocent Ukrainian citizens were destroyed in a matter of minutes by terrible actions.? We will stand up and fight against all kinds of inhumane behaviour that is terrorizing and destroying a peaceful world. Many of our colleagues, families and friends are still in Ukraine, fighting for their country and freedom. With one of our global offices in Ukraine we keep on fighting and supporting as much as we can and we want to encourage all of you to do the same. Stand up, raise your voice and don’t let fear come over the world. We are united, we are humans, we are the world.