Bello! Kanpai Haloweeni! Tulaliloo ti amo, muak muak muak. Poopaye!
Marshall Medical Center的动态
Yuk merantau...ide bagus buka warung Indomie di Belanda, apa aja laku ya diluar sana...
Better What
Project Manager in NGO | HR and LEAN Consultant | Certified Career Counselor | Empowering Individuals and Organizations to Thrive
Svim kolegama koji su danas dobili otkaz u kompaniji Better Collective, me?u kojima sam i ja, ?elim da pru?im besplatne usluge karijernog savetovanja ukoliko im je potrebna pomo? pri nala?enju novog posla. Molim moje konekcije da podele objavu kako bi do?la do kolega koje nemam u konekcijama. Hvala!
Good learning. Good teaching.
Orang berakal dan berpikir sehat, pasti menerima prinsip ini....??
This webinar was very insightful. Hon. Anne Makinda delivered on site facts with lessons. She highlighted how Late Sokoine practiced leadership and how she reflected and align at the same time remaining with her leadership style. The facts she shared, were indeed eye opening on historical aspect, made us know more about past leaders and how they handled situations during the era . Thank you UONGOZI Institute for always giving us experiences to grow mindful. Some of the key take home messages for myself 1. Be yourself 2. Discipline is the key 3. Have confidence in yourself ,nothing is impossible 4. Do your job (as assigned) ,work and efforts speaks louder 5. Have solution oriented mindset 6.Leadership is a ladder, try to discover every step 7. Staying calm,in chaotic situation is the biggest skill to embrace. 8. Pray,pray and pray 9. If you are meant to be there ,you will be there .
Mazungumzo yetu na Mhe. Anne Makinda juu ya Hayati Edward Moringe Sokoine yameanza! Ungana nasi: #Sokoine #MaishaYaSokoine #UongoziWaSokoine #TawasifuZaUONGOZI
Good to hear
Eeeh! Biragoye kwemerako iyi modoka yasohotse abantubake cane aribo bayikunze. Ariko ubu bivanye n’ubwiza yifitiye ntawutoyishima. Ubu iraboneka muri #BurundiCars
Leadership and management roles are critical to the success of an organization, no doubt about that. But if you can unleash the full potential of innovation, know-how, and performance of your team, only then can the organization reach its full potential. Hear, engage, and empower your employees. #employeeengagement #employeeexperience #leadership #moticheck #quietquitting #worklife
??Majandusseis on keeruline. Iga organisatsiooni juht peab vaatama endale otsa, ?ütleb idufirma Moticheck juht ja kaasasutaja?Martin Rajasalu. ??Tuleb analüüsida, kuidas on t??tajaid t?na kaasatud, kas nad omavahel sobivad ja kuidas ettev?tet rikastavad. #arenguvestlus #kasv #juhtimine #personalijuht
FOREIGN LABOUR LIFTED GDP WITH 7% AND TURNED PUBLIC DEFICIT TO SURPLUS In an analysis done for the Vinnuhúsie - House of Industry I estimate the economic impact of the growing number of foreign workers on the Faroese economy. The analysis is inspired by similar work on the Danish economy by Kraka (2019) and De ?konomiske R?ds Sekretariat (2017).
?? úTLENDSKU STARVSFóLKINI STóRAN BúSKAPARLIGAN TYDNING ?? útlendsku starvsfólkini hava stóran tydning fyri f?roysku vinnuna og f?royska búskapin. Tae vísir ein búskaparlig greining, sum Johnny í Grótinum, búskaparfr?eingur, hevur gj?rt fyri F?roya Arbeiesgevarafelag. Greiningin staefestir, at útlendsku starvsfólkini, ie eru komin til F?roya at arbeiea, hava havt ein tyeandi leiklut í búskaparliga frambureinum í F?royum seinastu 10 árini. útlendsku starvsfólkini hava verie ein fortreyt fyri tí stóra búskaparv?sktri vit hava s?e í hesum tíearskeienum. ??Lesie meira í teiginum viemerkingar
???PERMACULTURE BOOKLET FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS??? I?love this idea! A permaculture organisation Permakultura Dalmacija in Croatia, has created a booklet for primary schools. Its goal? To foster collaboration between teachers and permaculture practitioners, making it easier to introduce permaculture principles to kids. ? It’s a small step that could spark big change! Children often make the best teachers—every parent knows this. And if kids can grasp and adopt the principles of the nature in the early age, it can be a big move for our planet. Let’s nurture a generation that understands the importance of living in harmony with nature. ?? #Permaculture #EducationForSustainability #EnvironmentalAwareness #FutureGenerations
DANAS PREDSTAVLJAMO BRO?URU ZA PERMAKULTURU U OSNOVNIM ?KOLAMA Naslovnicu iste vam pokazujemo, a ostali dio i jo? poneko iznena?enje vas ?eka na samom doga?aju. Pridru?ite nam se danas od 18:00 do 19:00 u prostoru Razred na 3. katu Doma mladih na adresi Ulica Slobode 28, Split. Ova bro?ura je izdana kako bi olak?ala suradnju izme?u nastavnika u osnovnim ?kolama i permakulturnim prakti?arima. Kako bi nastavnici imali bolji uvid u to ?to je to?no permakultura, a ne da se od prakti?ara permakulture zahtijevaju samo hortikulturni zahvati. Sretno nam svima na tom putu ??
Ouch, that is so true! Until it is our experience we are great theoretics. However, put that into the practice and we very often fail. It is so true that until we walk in their shoes thousand miles, we have no right to judge anybody. Inspiration ? Psychology ?? Mindset to know more: #englishwithmoni
Ka?dy je múdry, kym ten príbeh nie je jeho príbehom, ka?dy je ?tedry, kym tie peniaze nie sú jeho peniazmi, ka?dy je trpezlivy, kym to ne??astie nie je jeho ne??astím, a ka?dy je hrdina, kym tá bitka nie je jeho bitkou....