Marley's Mutts Dog Rescue 的动态

Woody is such a happy guy and so incredibly joyous to leave those shelter walls behind and head for the comforts of foster care. Fosters give these dogs the chance they need. The chance to leave the shelter alive and the chance to start a new life. Fostering is integral to giving a dog a second chance. Also, the more foster parents we have, the more dogs we can rescue! Woody will be available for adoption soon so watch our website and if you’re interested in helping us save more lives like sweet Woody, consider opening your home to a dog in need. Visit our website to apply to be a foster parent. We promise it’s a choice you’ll never regret! #marleysmutts #muttmilitia #dogrescue #foster #adopt #rescuedog #secondchance #fostering #animaladvocate #adopt #dogrescue #fosteringsaveslives #savealife #shelter #adoption #foreverhome #spayandneuter #rescuedog #rescue
