The word #WOW is an understatement, looking at most of the dealerships posting or placing content, dates and times to attract customers blows my mind, personally the Jumping Castle for kids, the boerie roll, free coke-cola and test drive, the 08:00- 13:00 don't miss this opportunity has only one thought that comes to mind!
Your Staff has lost sight on the ball, you've become a fullback that drops the ball under pressure the daily calls and the follow-up never take place, the risk with an injury on a jumping castle, the pure waste of energy and the total lack of training comes to mind.
It's a proven fact that your current clientele will give you 89% referrals, yet only 11% of salespeople ask!
Three weeks ago, I personally Called #MANFINANCIALSERVICES in #PINETOWN. Prior to that the #JHB #DIVISION the task was so easy, and a silver platter was handed to the person, including the salesperson.
Request 10 Horses, 10 Side Tippers and please call the client and make an appointment.
That was a huge task in money terms R in sale or revenue.
Thank you for not being in contact with the client, thank you for not taking my number or email, you as the F&I and Salesperson had a jumping castle to set up!
#MAN #finacialservices #customerexperience #customercare #customerfeedback
Founder + CEO of Pressed Floral | Utah business 20 in their 20s | Utah Valley BusinessQ 40 under 40
3 个月They are so lucky to have you!! Congrats Mar