For fun 20 facts about me. 1 is a lie. Which one? I... 1.Entered the actuarial profession to pay off a large debt 2.Spent a year in an actuarial job on a 3 day week by choice 3.Earned more money (pro rata ph) as an 11 yr old than I do now 4.Was forced to give up GCSE English literature, as my writing was so bad, but then won a prestigious actuarial prize commended for "excellence in communication" 5.Gave up my 1st actuarial job & became a milk man 6.Attended the same school as Oscar Wilde 7.Got lost in the Arizona desert in 40 deg heat & thought I would die 8.Swam 3 miles in a rough sea in pitch black believing there was a shark in the water 9.Tried to (unofficially) enter a Bolivian prison where tourists had been brutally attacked a week before 10.Meditated 10 days in a Thai monastery without speaking 11.Slept 10 feet from someone that had been on death row 12.Had a cow as a pet 13.Have metal pins in my ankle 14.Have visited 39 countries 15.Had my bag searched for a bomb multiple times in my life 16.Memorised every card position in a random deck of cards in < 3 mins 17.Sailed across the Irish Sea in a home-made car boat 18.Was a national power lifting champion 19.Played in a real soccer match against Man Utd 20.Have screwed > 1/3 million bottle tops
Only God nose!
My guess is 19?
I think, 16 is a lie
Mark Farrell PhD FIA I think the statement "20 facts about me" is a lie. ??
I’ll go with 9 since I couldn't find a source stating a tourist attack which took place inside a Bolivian prison.
Think you may be giving Rob Galbraith a run for his money as "The Most Interesting Man In Insurance" if all this is true! What a life.
I'd say 18
??15K+???? | P&C Insurance | Business Analysis | Data Warehouse | Business Intelligence Reporting | Product Implementation | System Testing | Data Testing | QA/UAT | Process Automation | Underwriting Risk Analytics??
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