Marie Lobbezoo - SPHR的动态

Worried about losing your top talent? Show them the company appreciates their efforts. It isn't always a matter of money. Some may be adequately compensated, but do not feel appreciated. Others are feel they are neither. It's not just saying the words, it's showing you and the company appreciate them by actions towards them. Do you say "great job," and then continually throw additional tough assignments at them, expecting multiple miracles? Do you say "great job," and then allow other members of the Management Team (or even other employees), to bully them, ignore them, and treat them like they don't matter, and do nothing about it, even if they bring this to your attention? This is how you lose top performers. Words are nice sometimes, but actions speak louder than words. Your high performers can only take so much before they decide to find somewhere else where they may feel valued. Are you truly showing your top performers you value them, or is your praise a performative act, with no real meaning? There is a difference, and your top performers will see it.
