The principles of MTSS and PBIS can certainly be used in any educational setting. Supporting these processes is completely within the domain of a school psychologist's job. I appreciate how the authors highlighted the skill sets that a school psychologist can bring to schools, both traditional and alternative. #MTSSforALL #MTSS #educationalequity
disABLED School Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor, & author w/ a demonstrated history of working in state, agency, hospital, & school settings.
Starting the new year with a new contribution to #SchoolPsychology! The below article examines the use of #MTSS in residential and day habilitation programs, highlighting both its potential to empower individuals with I/DD and the limitations in its current implementation. It also touches on the historical role of school psychologists in these settings, which were among the first job and internship placements for SPs. Check out the full article here: School psychologists have a rich history of working in non-school settings, and these roles are such an important part of our field. By remembering where we started, we can better advocate for the future and celebrate the many ways we can make a difference both inside and outside of school settings--MTSS in day hab and residential settings is a prime area for SP role expansion and efforts should made to advocate for how much of a difference we can make in these settings.
Very informative!
disABLED School Psychologist, Mental Health Counselor, & author w/ a demonstrated history of working in state, agency, hospital, & school settings.
2 个月Thank you for sharing!