Neurosomatic Creativity is the process of strengthening the MIND-BODY-BRAIN connection for increased creativity in non-arts areas through using the arts. This will be game changing because the arts build strong complex brains needed for this AI filled future of work. I share this unique trademarked method of learning with the MAGICademy podcast below. I also share how world renown dancer Keeley Kaukimoce and I are developing the Lyrics N' Leadership Institute (LNL), which develops leadership and brain health skills using the work of famous artists, like PRINCE.?? It’s a new way of learning for a new way of leading! ??Listen to the podcast here: ??Check out LNL here: #BrainHealth #BrainCapital #Curiosity #arts #PrismaticLeadership #LyricsNleadership #neuroSomaticCreativity