It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Lynda Gann, REALTOR? ??(925)766-5329 License#CA DRE 01357510 #lyndagann #lyndagannrealty #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent #carealestate #carealtor #lyndagannrealestate #lyndagannrealtor #lyndagannrealestateagent #carealty #lyndagannhomes #danvillerealestate #danvillerealtor #danvillehomes #Compassrealestate #danvilleca #caliving #cahomes
Lynda Gann的动态
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Amie Proctor, REALTOR???(269) 806-9218 #AmieProctor #AmieProctorRealtor #AmieProctorRealEstateAgent #AmieProctoreXp #eXpRealty #realestateagent #realtor #homesforsale #realestate #MIproperties #michiganliving #michiganhomes #michiganproperties #firsttimehomebuyer #westmichiganrealestate #westmichiganrealtor
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Sean & Susan, Reed Homes NW ??503-201-7916 License#201226301 License#201234591 #seanandsusanreedhomesnw #reedhomesnw #salemoregon #Realtor #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent #salemoregonrealestate #salemoregonrealtor #salemoregonhomes #seanandsusanreedhomesnwrealestate #seanandsusanreedhomesnwrealtor #realtyfirst
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Gerald Furgala, REALTOR? ??(541)497-2632 License#201231186 #GeraldFurgala #geraldfurgalarealty #RealEstate #RealEstateAgent #orrealestate #orrealtor #geraldfurgalarealestate #geraldfurgalarealtor #geraldfurgalarealestateagent #orrealty #WindermereRealEstate #Windermere #windermereor #windermerealbany #windermereproperties #albanyor #orliving #orhomes
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Tina Christensen REALTOR? ??(303)335-7060 License# 045196 #tinachristensen #tinachristensenrealtor #tinachristensenrealestate #tinachristensenrealestateagent #theagency #theagencyre #theagencyregroup #denverproperties #denvercohomes #denverhomes #The_Agency_Denver #backcountryrealtor #backcountryrealestate #backcountryluxuryrealestate #theagencydenver #highlandsranch #highlandsranchrealestate #highlandsranchluxuryrealestate #summitcountyco #summitcountyrealtor #summitcountyrealestate #summitcountyluxuryrealestate
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Jeff Adler Real Estate ??818-489-6533 License# 02015969 #jeffadlerrealestate #engelandvolkers #westlakevillagerealestate #advocateinrealestate #compassionaterealtor #friendlyrealtor #yourrealestatepartner #homesinthousandoaks #agourahillshomes #calabasashomes #propertiesinshermanoaks #malibuhomes #homesinoxnard #moorparkrealestate #camarillohomes
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Jeannine Rinetti, REALTOR? ??(925)339-1306 #JeannineRinetti #homesbyrinetti #Livermorehomes #pleasantonhomes #rinettico #bayareahomes #homesbyrinetti #sisterssellingrealestate #trivalleyrealestate #trivalleyuxuryhomes
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Sherry Sebree REALTOR? - License# 201217454??(541) 905-4330 #SherrySebree #SherrySebreeRealEstate #SherrySebreeRealtor #SherrySebreeRealEstateAgent #SKRealty #SKRealtywithCadwellRealtyGroup #CadwellRealtyGroup #CadwellRealty #firsttimehomebuyer #orhomes #orhomesearch #trustedrealtor
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Mark Gallagher, REALTOR? ??(206) 510-9071 #markgallagher #Realtor #RealEstateAgent #RealEstateAgency #gallagherrealestate #buysellsnoho #snohomishrealestate #snohomishrealestateagent #snohomishhomes #johnlscottrealty #realestategoals #firsttimehomebuyer #realestatetips #WAhomes #WArealestate
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Tina Christensen REALTOR? ??(303)335-7060 License# 045196 #tinachristensen #tinachristensenrealtor #tinachristensenrealestate #tinachristensenrealestateagent #theagency #theagencyre #theagencyregroup #denverproperties #denvercohomes #denverhomes #The_Agency_Denver #backcountryrealtor #backcountryrealestate #backcountryluxuryrealestate #theagencydenver #highlandsranch #highlandsranchrealestate #highlandsranchluxuryrealestate #summitcountyco #summitcountyrealtor #summitcountyrealestate #summitcountyluxuryrealestate
It's important to stay connected when you've made a big move. 1. Schedule video calls, phone chats, and email exchanges with friends and family. 2. Join clubs, groups, or classes. 3. Attend events, volunteer, or join a neighborhood association. Weaving yourself into the community can help you feel included and build meaningful connections. Remember, connection isn't bound by geography – nurture existing relationships and embrace the opportunities for new ones.? ? Lisa Willett REALTOR? - License# 980800079??(503) 318-7585 #LisaWillett #LisaWillettRealtor #LisaWillettRealEstateAgent #CascadeHasson #SothebysInternational #SothebysRealty #WilsonvilleHomes #WilsonvilleOR #ORrealtor #orhomesearch #OregonProperties #ORrealestateagent #orhomes