The last in our series of posts on safety lifecycle. Look out for the updated article with all the links attached. The cost of the proposed design is significantly above or below industry average. This can indicate a poor application of standards. On one extreme you could have engineers who don’t understand the standards well and have therefore asked for every requirement to be applied to everything even if it does not have the hazard which is being mitigated by the requirement. For example, installing hydrocarbon gas detection on potable water skid on a land-based site which is completely remote from hydrocarbon sources. On the other extreme there may be no awareness of the standard or poor understanding of the hazards and therefore insufficient barriers have been installed to mitigate or prevent the hazards from being realised. Both of these are undesirable outcomes and while you may want the cheapest design possible make sure you are getting the cheapest safe and operable design by diving into a few systems and checking standard application. #raisingstandards #processsafety Safety and Reliability Society