Auditing for the standards is well defined with formal audit included at 3 phases. However, if I were wanting to do a health check on the application of the standards in my work places I would start by asking myself the following questions: Do the competence requirements for my engineers actually include a verification of knowledge on the standards they use regularly (in house and external)? I have often seen that the engineers require a number of years’ experience, experience on certain processes and then an understanding of the company processes. This is sometimes formally verified once however not checked again thereafter. In house company training also often assumes knowledge of external standards and focusses on the differences of standard from Company to International. In some trainings the external standard is not even mentioned (often the case with training on safety lifecycle as the lifecycle is applied by the global team and only the output is disseminated to the organization, training is then built on the output). #processsafety #raisingstandards Safety and Reliability Society