Can we do this here in Canada? the upcoming federal electricity strategy should include a champion model like this
Chris Stark at his first public engagement since being appointed Head of Mission Control for Clean Power 2030 today — - - - Key takeaways - - - ?? Chris said, “It’s entirely within our gift to pull this off [Clean Power 2030]… we have the levers at our disposal to do this” ??Said it’s an important job to take the 2030 plan (once it’s prepared) out to the country and “not mince our words”. He noted the last time energy sector change on this scale happened was the 60s ?? Noted three phases to his role. 1) produce a plan for 2030 — 2) demonstrate it can be delivered — 3) remove barriers to delivery, and suggested he’ll move through the phases quickly, reaching phase 3 as early as next year ??Suggested policy and regulatory changes may be needed, but stressed the important role the private sector will have to play in enabling the mission ?? When challenged on the ambition of the target, he said 2030 is achievable ??Confirmed it wasn’t his idea to call the role “Mission Control” but is really enjoying the job and doesn’t mind the title. He has even received odd things through the post. The most bizarre is a cuddly toy version of himself with a cape on it saying “Mission 2030” Thanks to SSE plc for inviting me along!