BIG NEWS! We are pleased to announce the City Planning Commission (CPC) adopted the staff’s recommendations for the Housing Element Rezoning Program! This includes the Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance Council File (CF 21-1230-S5), the Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance Council File (CF 21-1230-S6), and the Resident Protections Ordinance Council File (CF 21-1230-S8). To view the Letters of Determination for each ordinance, please visit:! #resources So what's next? These ordinances have now been transmitted for City Council’s consideration. The scheduling of future Council Committee meetings, including the Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee, are anticipated for this fall. Stay tuned for the release of future meeting dates!
Los Angeles City Planning 的动态
Great presentation on the importance and necessity of Zoning Reform!
OK Policy’s Research Director Anthony Flores and Senior Policy Analyst Sabine Brown last week shared how zoning reform is a key step to increasing housing in Oklahoma, especially as the need for more affordable housing continues to grow. Their comments were presented during an Oct. 2, 2024, interim study in the Oklahoma House of Representatives about zoning issues in Oklahoma. ? Watch:? ? Transcript and presentation slides: ? Read:?
Zoning & Affordable Housing Presentation - Oklahoma House Interim Study - Oct. 2, 2024
Some of the challenges to affordable housing include an estimated national shortage of 1.5 million to 3.8 million homes due to, in part, “land-use regulations and zoning restrictions that limit what can be built.” White House suggest using tactics to affect local land-use regulations and zoning restrictions.
CLIENT ALERT: On August 6, 2024, Governor Maura Healy signed the Affordable Homes Act, which builds on recent legislation intended to address the state’s housing crisis. In addition to funding affordable housing developments throughout the state and paving the way for the creation of accessory dwelling units, this most recent legislation makes critical amendments to the Zoning Act intended to overcome an obstacle often cited as a key driver of the cost of development in Massachusetts – vexatious abutter appeals. Read more about how the newly enacted bill may affect your project timelines and approval processes here: #AffordableHomesAct #CommercialRealEstate #LandUseLaw #RIW
OPEN TO WEA MEMBERS ONLY. Join us next Thursday, April 4 for our Land Use & Housing Committee where we will get an update from the City of North Plains on their Urban Growth Boundary expansion process and what's been happening since their administrative action to adopt a recommended expansion scenario. Here's some background: A project to expand the City of North Plains' Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) is underway. North Plains has reached its limit for buildable land supply within City limits and Oregon law requires a plan to accommodate a 20-year supply of land for predicted population growth. After many years of research, planning, and 20 public meetings, North Plains City Council approved a recommended expansion scenario including a?UGB Expansion report?and a Housing Needs Analysis (HNA) on September 18, 2023. Click here to register:
Disappointed to share that our recent DA for attached dwellings on an R4 corner site has been refused by Council. The irony? Our site is directly across the road from a property with the same zoning and site area (highlighted in the image), which gained approval after going through the Land and Environment Court (LEC). Despite following the precedent set across the road, we’re now left with no choice but to pursue the same lengthy process through the LEC. It’s frustrating to see valuable resources—time, money, and energy—poured into an appeal, when the path for approval has already been established just next door. Isn’t the goal to streamline housing approvals and meet housing targets? Here’s hoping for more consistency in the future to avoid unnecessary obstacles to housing growth. #UrbanPlanning #HousingCrisis #DevelopmentChallenges #PlanningPrecedent #LEC #ResourceWastage #ConsistencyMatters
One of California's most progressive citywide Missing Middle-enabling strategies is one step closer to adoption! City Council is next!! We are proud to be collaborating with Tom Pace and his talented team on delivering these much-needed housing solutions for Sacramento to address it growing housing crisis. This was a true collaboration with this talented team! Greg Sandlund Matt Hertel, AICP and Nguyen N. Nguyen The process included: ? Robust and highly visual educational materials that were utilized by the team to inform the community and stakeholders ? Thoughtful, targeted community engagement lead by Roshaun Davis and his talented team at CLTRE in collaboration with Bill Lennertz to ensure that all voices are heard ? Citywide lot anlysis to inform lot testing and the pro forma analysis by Cascadia Partners to ensure the proposed Missing Middle Solutions are feasible. Pro forma analysis was run by neighborhood and for for sale and for rent scenarios ?Extensive citywide mapping analysis to define the different contexts to inform the new regulatory/zoning approach ? Displacement Risk Analysis by Cascadia Partners to ensure that existing residents were not displaced as new housing is built. ? Detailed zoning and development standards recommendations to remove the barriers for the delivery of Missing Middle The work Opticos Design, Inc.was lead by the talented Mitali Ganguly and supported by Roger Foreman Patricia Cespedes Xenia Alygizou and Leigh Groniger The Missing Middle strategy supplements recent changes that were adopted that remove density citywide and replace it with Floor Area Ration Caps (FAR). Another progressive move on the City's part. Click and check out the content and let me know what you think! The City really committed to doing this well and being very thoughtful about it.
Today, Sacramento City Council’s Law and Legislation Committee voted to forward the Missing Middle Housing Interim Ordinance to the full Council! The ordinance would allow neighborhood-scale multi-unit housing in single-family and duplex zones. It also allows small-lot single dwellings and townhomes, all to increase housing opportunities citywide and increase attainable housing. The current debate centers on what is most important: whether ensuring neighborhood-compatible scale using bulk control is appropriate or maximizing development opportunity without bulk control is the priority, so that greater affordability and quantity of housing can be achieved. The full Council will decide in mid-September. Stay tuned!
New Housing Update: Exciting progress in St. Albans! The City has given the green light for 3 out of our 4 projects to move forward in the permitting process. While permits are pending, discussions with the zoning team are ongoing. The recent development stems from the recognition that H. 687 (Act 181) mandates the City to allow 3 and 4 units on the same size lot as required for single-family homes—a significant shift from last year's denials due to lot size constraints and what I would argue was the wrong interpretation of S. 100 (Act 47). One project faced setbacks due to being on a "legal non-conforming small lot," a point I plan to delve into further this week. Despite disagreements on this matter, our focus remains on the 3 viable projects moving ahead. We also learned that City is going to strongly monitor "lot coverage". Many projects - not just in St. Albans are hung up on lot coverage. Pre-existing small lots and lot coverage seem like logical next steps for the legislature to address in the coming years. #HousingDevelopment #PermittingProcess #LegislativeClarity #CityOfStAlbans
YOU CAN SAY NO! We understand community frustration when all Govts - Local, State and Federal - ask for community feedback and input. Are they genuinely interested or is it just a box ticking exercise? How often have we heard someone say “why bother, they don’t listen to the community, only developers”? YOU CAN BUT TRY! Proposed changes to Local Planning Scheme 6 will have significant impacts on all Melville residents. You can view the details and have your say here: See previous post (; don’t be misled by the Council “Fact Sheet” re heights and R-codes. R-codes are a guide and heights can be greater if they are “deemed to comply” by the Council planning officers (as can setbacks etc) or later at Development Assessment Panels. Look out for permanent over shadowing, traffic congestion, loss of privacy, loss of tree canopy and other adverse impacts on your home’s amenity. For some, significant potential devaluation of your home. HAVE YOUR SAY BY AUGUST 28! #cityofmelville #saveourspace #SOS #saveoursuburbs #localgovernent #reform #planning #urban #Johncarey #planningscheme #Labor #liberal #nationals #residents #ratepayers #revolt
New legislation has been introduced to address some of the issues local governments raised regarding the sweeping housing changes introduced in fall 2023. The housing amendments bill includes giving local governments the authority needed to establish inclusionary zoning to protect the interests of low income renters. #housing #localgovernment
New legislative changes aimed at supporting pre-zoning implementation | Union of BC Municipalities