It is exciting to be a part of the Senior Care Sales Solutions Academy presented by Sarah Barker. Sarah brings her work ethic, strong will, and desire to help others to each Academy and her students come away better prepared and excited to utilize the new tools and resources they gained. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the virtual session last week. If you need guidance or direction, contact Sarah. #seniorcaresalessolutions #virtualacademy #lifejourneyadvisors #training #continuingeducation
Life Journey Advisors的动态
We all know that our buyers are evolving. They have more tools and information at their disposal than ever before, helping them progress on their buying journey before they need to engage with potential suppliers. That evolution mirrors the changes in sales training. Once upon a time, we were all convinced it had to be face-to-face. But tools and information have transformed what sales training looks like today. Understanding the complexities of geographically dispersed sales teams, we recognise how challenging it can be to take them off the road for training and bring them all into one central location. Having the flexibility to offer our programs virtually or in a blended format means your team doesn’t have to miss out on quality training. Here is some feedback from the team at IQ Medical Pty Ltd, who we recently had the pleasure of introducing our Pipeline Fundamentals program to in a virtual format. We’ll be joining them on the Gold Coast today for further training. A perfect example of how blended training can work. "Thank you so much for the outstanding training session. It was incredibly valuable. I’m pleased that the team had the opportunity to hear about the significance and importance of the methodology from someone with your extensive experience across various industries" Excited to be catching up with the team again. Christina Bruce Judit Hübner #salestraining #blendedsalestraining #virtualtraining #salesworkshop #sellingskills
?? Become the Expert! Elevate your practice and be the go-to professional for back pain relief! ??? ? Gain effective treatment skills ? Enhance client outcomes ? Build your professional reputation ?? Don’t miss this chance to stand out! #BackPainRelief #SpinalHealth #SpinalBackrack #academy #Backrack #certified #BackRackUk #ProfessionalCare
Incase anyone wants to know what Enablement should look like… What is the objective? What is the intervention? Was the outcome achieved? Here’s a notification I got from daycare where my 10 month old is. Generally notifications are things like diaper changes, bottles finished, or nap times. However this one stood out to me for how applicable it is to Sales Enablement. As you can see it’s a learning notification. It was concisely communicated to me what the activity is, what the goal was, and if the outcome was achieved. Often it seems traditional Learning and Development only focuses on the intervention. Rather than evaluating the objective or verifying if the desired outcome was achieved. #salesenablement
Tips for Tuesday: Are your Appointment Setters up to date on the skills required to set Appointments? Continual Skills Training is important to allow your Appointment Setters to have a competitive edge on getting you the Appointments you need. Contact Science provides Appointment Settings Skills Training for MSPs. Contact us to learn more!
Don't let your sales training go to waste! With 84% of sales training content forgotten within three months, it's crucial to invest in continuous learning solutions. Here’s how you can equip your sales team with training reinforcements? to ensure lasting knowledge and sustained performance. #salesteam #salesperformance #salestraining #thriwin
Only 1 AE raised their hand when I asked this question last week and I believe it's one of the top reasons reps struggle with discovery. For context, I was kicking off a discovery training program for a sales team. I asked the group... "How many of you build a call plan for all your discovery calls?" 1 AE raised their hand. I wasn't shocked because that's usually the response I see. Why? When reps are given discovery training, it's usually around: →?BANT questions →?Talking about features →?Getting the DM on the next call What's missing from most discovery training is something you should do before the call. Building a call plan! Grab a copy of my discovery call plan: A call plan is there to help you execute a great call. This is one of the things that transformed the way I ran discovery years ago. Stop going into calls blind and winging it. Make a plan and execute it. If you want some help with this once you've downloaded a copy, give me a shout.
Fantastic to have this feedback from James as the first learner to complete the online course component of The Practical Sales Academy. Subscribe today at #practicalsalesacademy #salesenablement #saleseffectiveness #salesandmarketing #salescoaching #salestips
Continuous Learning for Better Client Service: Last week, I immersed myself in knowledge at True Learning Academy in Dallas, soaking up insights and wisdom to enhance my service to both current and future clients. Surrounded by exceptional speakers and engaging lessons, I gained invaluable tools to elevate my role as an advisor. Connecting with industry peers, both old and new, enriched the experience, allowing me to learn from seasoned professionals while also offering guidance to those on their journey. A heartfelt THANK YOU to the entire TRUE Network Advisors Team for orchestrating such a remarkable event. Your dedication and hard work are truly commendable, making each moment unforgettable for all involved. Reflecting on my time at TLA, I'm excited to share key takeaways on LinkedIn throughout this week. From fresh perspectives to gentle reminders, these lessons are invaluable for personal and professional growth. One standout moment was a session led by the esteemed author and sales expert, Anthony Iannarino . Spending quality time with him was an honor, and his message resonated deeply. He emphasized that while we navigate the complexities of benefits consultancy daily, our clients face these decisions only once a year. This insight serves as a powerful reminder to slow down, ensure clarity, and provide the best guidance possible. It's crucial to remember that while we're immersed in the intricacies of our field, our clients rely on us to navigate unfamiliar territory with expertise and empathy. To fellow attendees of TLA: What insights did you glean from Anthony's session? Stay tuned for more enlightening lessons tomorrow. Let's continue this journey of growth and excellence together. #MyOneThing
Larger deals. Bigger Commissions. Less Headaches. 33% OFF GAP+ FOR A FULL YEAR... What you get: Gap Selling Online Training Access to all Live Events Gap Selling Office Hours Ask Keenan Anything Full Library of Past Classes (Over 25 hours of Content) What you'll experience: Higher Win Rates Shorter Sales Cycles Larger Average Sales Price Register Today at gapsellingonlinetraining(dot)com Use Promo Code: NextLevel2025
How do you prove that your learning programs are having an impact? That’s not an easy question—and answering it might take you outside your L&D comfort zone. But when you can point to the dollars-and-cents impact that your sales training, increased retention, or reduced skills gaps are having, you’re in with a shot of increasing your L&D budget. Here’s how: #LearningBudget #LearningImpact #PeopleMatterMost #ROIofLearning